Izamash video

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Couple of questions - if the AN94 recoiling barrel assault rifle is so incredible, and has been around so long, who uses them? I had never seen one before. Interesting rifle, but looks fragile.
The Dragunov isan outstanding rifle,but was designed as a Designated Marksman rifle, not a "sniper rifle". I would love one, but those who I have talked to who have fired one, say it is a remarkably accurate semi auto rifle, but not a "sniper" rifle.
Last -I WANNA BIZON! That is a very very cool design!! In 7.62x25, that would be a hole ripper. 54 rounds in 9mm in that snug magazine? I can only dream that CGA '68 and FOPA could ever be modified/eliminated to allow new foriegn made full auto firearmsto be sold to civilians.
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