Joe Horn No Billed

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I have no respect what so ever for Quanell X. A while back, he made an appearance at the gym I workout in, for what I do not know or care, but he parked his Hummer in a handicaped parking spot -- it had no placard, I specifically looked! If I'd a cell phone I'd have called the cops to get it towed. The utility of laws requiring handicaped parking at a gym is a seperate issue, but since this particular one has a swimming pool, it does make some sense.

Its a tough situation I hope to never be in, but I'm glad he got no billed, and I'd contribute towards buying him a medal.

Pathetic. Thou shalt not kill, never mind the legalese. I never want to set foot in that God-forsaken State, not even to change planes.
IMO, Joe Horn is the quintessential 'evil' person.

I don't know if the following is true-that he shot them both 'in the back'. If it's true-some hero! Absolutely pathetic.
Pathetic. Thou shalt not kill, never mind the legalese. I never want to set foot in that God-forsaken State, not even to change planes.

Halelujah, brother! Please go forth and spread the word to all those of your mindset in your lovely state. Stay out of Texas!

there are some dumb masses that say "Thou shalt not kill" because they are too addlepated to know that the original Hebrew said "thou shalt not do murder"

And in the aftermath of this correct legal ruling there will not be any riots of any consequence. Why? Because real men do not allow rioting like after the Rodney King trial.

Little Brent, I thank you and all Californians that choose not set foot in Texas.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
brentfoto, your comments aren't helping.

Joe Horn acted within the law, but more importantly, he took a moral stand. It was courageous for him to stand up for what he felt was right, knowing the road it would take him down.

When the news first broke, you could find a recording of the call. He clearly stated that he 'wasn't going to stand by and let them get away with it.' Judge, jury and executioner? Okay, I'll concede that point. However, there wasn't much room for doubt. He watched them break in, he watched them climb out with a bag of loot. He ordered them to freeze, an order they fatally ignored. This is a lesson to all lawbreakers that the rules do apply, and there are consequences to every act. Mr. Horn faced the consequences, and has been justly vindicated.

Recording of the call
I never want to set foot in that God-forsaken State, not even to change planes.

Well I'm not sure how we'll ever make it without you, but we'll give it a try.

Thou shalt not kill, never mind the legalese.

If, God forbid, someone is violently attacking you or your family it will be interesting to see if that still holds for you.

Oh and if you are going to quote the Bible, quote it correctly. It says "Thou Shalt Do No Murder" in a proper translation.

You can't reason with an idiot.

You and I know that Joe Horn risked a great deal to stand up to evil. Thankfully he survived.

Just encourage little Brent to stay on the left coast where his ilk belongs. And if he moves he can go to France, a whole country of victims! He will feel right at home there if he ever decides to move.
Come early, be loud, stay late...but keep yer mitts off my stuff!

Memo to self: keep hands to self and own property when visiting Texas.

*wracks shotgun* that's a great idea :D
Peoples Republic of California.:evil:

I would have tried to avoid killing anyone, however, even the officer on the sceen reported. "He felt threatened". From my own experience these things happen much faster than you can immagine. I avoided shooting anybody, but learned that there is a lot of varriables in a situation like that. mostly the lack of time a uncertanty of the intent of the bad guys. When you feel your life is at risk, you dont have time to review how the circumstances will look to the grand jury. Although, I will concede that it does seem "iffy", but that is reasonable doubt, no?
His acts would be murder in any jurisdiction that had a modicum of sanity. Was there any indication that perps pointed a loaded gun at him? If not, COWARD, NOT HERO! Stay in your house, you vigilante scum!
His acts would be murder in any jurisdiction that had a modicum of sanity.

So now your argument has changed? Now it's murder. Before it was bad to kill, now it's just murder?

If you're gonna debate it's usually best to pick one spot and argue that, not change every few minutes.

I mean, we're willing to debate but this is not a debate.
Poor little Brenty...

He does not like people that take out the trash.

He probably loves illegal aliens that rob his neighbors. Would never lift a finger to help.

Wouldn't you love to live next to this guy?
His acts would be murder in any jurisdiction that had a modicum of sanity. Was there any indication that perps pointed a loaded gun at him? If not, COWARD, NOT HERO! Stay in your house, you vigilante scum!

It's interesting that you so vigorously side with the criminals here and refer to Mr. Horn as "scum". Seems to me the moral of the story is don't be climbing out a window that doesn't belong to you with other people's belongings.

Ah well what do you expect from the land of fruits and nuts. :rolleyes:
I apologize. I thought the house next door was vacant.

Was Mr. Horn threatened with deadly force, or not?

What was he doing outside? The 911 operator told him NOT to go outside. Vigilante scum! May he burn forever!

This will not end. Maybe the feds may be able to prosecute him. I certainly hope that SOMEONE prosecutes him. Don't you?

They were only taking some property. Do you place property of a couple of thousand dollars, which could be covered by theft insurance, above that of a human life?
Was there any indication that perps pointed a loaded gun at him? If not, COWARD, NOT HERO! Stay in your house, you vigilante scum!

Well let's take all that out for a second and see if you can get your head around this;

If you were climbing out a window with a handful of stuff that didn't belong to you, and you saw the guy next door yelling at you while holding a shotgun, would you run towards him if you didn't have any intention of harming him? These 2 guys in this case did just that, ran TOWARDS Mr Horn before he fired. Why would they do that? I think it's reasonable to assume they were not coming over to give him a hug don't you?

The problem you're having is you are trying to tell only part of the story and you can't do that. You have to include the whole thing but when that happens your argument changes so much you no longer have one. That sucks huh.....

I certainly hope that SOMEONE prosecutes him. Don't you? Duh.....
He had NO BUSINESS being there, the vigilante scum! I pray for the souls of those departed boys.

Call 911 and let the cops deal with it-that is what they're paid for.
He had NO BUSINESS being there


I think you need to go read the story again.

I pray for the souls of those departed boys.

The poor misunderstood youth that were breaking and entering? I pray for their souls as well, but for different reasons than you I suspect.
Call 911 and let the cops deal with it-that is what they're paid for.

Yep that's right not your problem. Let someone else handle it. That's their JOB. You know that's what's wrong with the world today. Nobody gives a S&$T about anyone else and they're all too scared, gutless, or indifferent. If more people would take a stand against criminals and degenerates then maybe we wouldn't have such a crime problem in this country.
Oh, and YES, those poor dead boys are infinitely morally superior to Mr. Horn. THEY are the victims! Two wrongs don't make a right, or have you forgot that one? And the second act, that of Mr. Horn, is morally reprehensible.

I hope a fund gets started to help out the families of the victims. I'd contribute to it.
Of course there is no legal obligation for a policeman to protect you, your neighbor or property

But some idiots think a meter maid pretending to be a cop on the phone is as good as a gun in the hand.

Obama is happy that there are such stupid, cowardly people

this idiot is saying that a drug dealing, illegal deported aliens that rob are morally superior to a man that stood against them

That is too stupid to respond to.
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