Join me in a little activism?

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Nov 7, 2005
As soon as I compose the letter, I plan to email my Congressman and my two U.S. Senators about ending the ban on firearms in national parks. It is asinine that these parks are a "safety zone" for predators (and I'm speaking of the two legged kind). I am going to recommend that they introduce a bill allowing people with permits to carry in a national park if their permit is valid for the state the park is in. Anyone care to join me?
I'll join you.

Rather than asking to be allowed to carry guns, however, like it is something new and strange, you would be better off asking them to adopt the same rule they already have in National Forests. It is the same thing, of course, but sometimes it is not what you say, but how you say it. Sell your point.

If you have not been to VCDL's web site, I suggest you start your efforts there. VCDL has been on the forefront of this issue.

There is another web site that tracks all the violent crimes in National Parks, but I cannot remember where it is right now . . .
Thanks. I'm emailing this message, and I also plan to send copies by regular mail:

"I am writing to urge you to sponsor and/or support legislation to end the senseless prohibition on legally concealed firearms in America's national parks. I would further urge that this legislation be written to allow citizens with concealed carry licenses to possess their weapons in national parks in any state for which their permit is valid. Legally concealed and carried handguns pose no threat to either park visitors or protected wildlife, and statistics show that the ability for responsible, law abiding citizens to be legally armed is a great deterrent to crime. Indeed, violent crime has gone down significantly in each and every state that has enacted shall-issue concealed carry laws. Our national parks are currently "safety zones" for criminals, with law abiding citizens having no means of effective self defense within their boundaries. I ask you to help me remedy this situation. Thank you."
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