Just a little song I wrote...

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May 22, 2003
...on another forum where the topic went to guns and the poor and unprepared Euro's/Aussie's did not know what they were getting into. Thought others would enjoy what I wrote as well.
Originally Posted by geetar_joe
but stats aside, my personal view is that guns are one of the worst inventions ever created. but it'll take a hell of a lot of work to get rid of them............

Morganm01: Governments have been responsible for over 100 million of their own peoples deaths over the last century.

That is 6X as many people as were killed in warfare between countries.

You can live in a country where only criminals and the government have guns....fine by me, enjoy it.

Remember that it was in civilized Europe where millions were exterminated not too long ago.

Americans will NEVER face that possibility no matter what direction the government goes. Our government is there to protect our rights (including to be armed) and yours is there to provide services to people.

Our government has no more authority than the people, we are both armed, and both entities are able to protect themselves. You are a subject to your government. You are to be lorded over, controlled and supervised. That is difficult to do with an armed populace. You are now easy prey for your government and the criminal element. You may be satisfied by that. I wouldn't be.

Your country chose short-term safety in abandoning their guns.

We have chosen long-term freedom in keeping ours.

Nothing wrong with that choice....I actually love Australia. But I don't want to live in a state of defenseless subservience to everything from dingo's to the most dangerous power (government) in the world.

The Frisco handgun ban will go nowhere. They tried this years ago and it failed then too.
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