Just call me Possumabilly

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Dec 25, 2002
Bosque County, Texas

We're all familier (and some may be jealous) of our own uber-tactical Skunkabilly.

Some of you may or may not be aware of the less fortunate such as myself that have no carbon fiber, no camel back, no titanium, not one stich of elephant skin and have no polymer guns. Heck, I don't even know what Royal Robbins pants are....

But is that any reason we can't be tactical? Maybe since Skunky is currently living in an urban enviroment I can set the precedent for tactical in a more rural enviroment.

So I submit the following series of Photos for your consideration, can I be Possumabilly now?


Front view. Note the .45-70 rounds prominently placed on the belly, doubles as a plate to stop weak, little 9mm rounds from hitting vitals.

Tactical blue Levis, an abundance of brown cowhide, shirt from Wal-Mart.

Left side.

Springfield Champion.

Schrade folding lockback.

Not visible:

Snuff can if front shirt pocket. Overstuffed Billfold in Back right pocket. Couple of pens in other shirt pocket. Gimme ballcap from local feedstore. New Balance Tennis shoes for stealth. Keys, change, extra .45 rounds, another folding knife in front pocket.

SO is this the ultimate in Rural Tacticality or just a guy with too much time on his hands that ought to be forced to surrender his digital camera?

You make the call.
Where's the Marlin Redneck Assault Rifle with the scout mounted Eotech, and the smokeless cigarettes for decreased visual signature suited for night ops? :D

Careful with the name, the lysdexic folks here who call me 'Skunkability' may end up calling you 'Possibility'... :uhoh:
:D :D :D Be prepared to be sued by Skunk for un-authourized use of the word "Tactical" and the afore mentioned words' variants! :D :D :D
At least I have an excuse to put all that stuff on, I have to keep from getting carried away by the wind....
Okay, this one just popped into my head... what the heck is a Skunkabilly? Is it some unholy combination of skunks and rednecks of some type? Inquiring minds wish to know. :)
Skunk, you could save yourself a lot of money and ridicule with a Tactical Tent Stake through your foot.

Steve, not really, I don't have health insurance...but when I do get it, I'll give it a try if you can find me a carbon fiber tent stake :D
Smoke... next time you're all loaded up, take a picture of yourself with a tactical Hawaiian shirt covering it all up. :p

Bet the untrained eye could never even tell. ;)

One more thing... the 14/45 isn't tactical until you have +2 basepads. And what's with all the stainless? Black, man... black!

That's a bit more tactical than a Texas boy aughta be! How you gonna get in an out of the saddle without getting a hernia?:D

Looks mighty fancy but leave that tactical stuff to them city boys.

Remember folks, "DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS"!

I guess with that get up there are some definite possumabilities!:D
"Ranch Management"? Is that a major at Texas Christian University? TCU? Shouldn't that stand for Tactical Combat University?
That is the greatest thing ive seen in a long time.

but like above...slip him an exlax. see how long it takes him to strip that off and get those pants down before he hits the porta-john out at the range :p
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