Just joined the NRA

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May 29, 2008
Just called in to join for $25, and DOH I forgot to ask how long it would take to begin receiving notification or magazine by mail.

Anyone remember the time frame? I enjoy reading American Rifleman.
I joined back up on Sunday. I had let my membership laps a few years ago. We need everyone we can get in order to put pressure on BHO.
Thanks for the support, when you stop to think about it $25.00 to $35.00 per year the help keep the 2nd is pretty cheap insurance.
DOH I forgot to ask how long it would take to begin receiving notification or magazine by mail.

Anyone remember the time frame?
Why does it matter? Obviously it will take a few weeks. More important, did you ask to be on the do not spam list in order to reduce the amount of mail to just 6 solicitations per week?

I'm considering joining as an "associate" member for only $10, and NOT because I like the nra, but to send a message to obama prior to the election. A glossy magazine won't save our rights.
GOA Gun Owners of America
"The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington."
-Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
Gilly I agree with your post, but you really didn't say much. Are you at least a member of GOA?
GOA is "no compromise", but they also get nothing done.
That isn't just wrong it's a bald faced lie. That is an infuriating lie, especially since you clearly are not aware of the MANY funds GOA has set up to help people such as David Olafson. Or the fund to help Rick Celata when nra was ignoring the stunning BATF abuse http://gunowners.com/celata.htm

GOA has also helped several very pro gun people get into congress by supporting them at the primary level when everyone else was ignoring them. Or worse, when the republican establishment was pushing some spineless wishy washy candidate. I have watched first hand as GOA was the only entity helping strong pro gun candidates in certain primaries when no one was even thinking about a coming election. I have watched as GOA organizes for their campaigns and I've watched when some of these pro gun candidates have won in primaries by only a few hundred votes.

I'm not just going to sit there while someone who probably refuses to even get GOA's email alerts, blathers on about how GOA accomplishes "nothing."
Spring for the Life Membership -- They bill you quarterly until you're paid up. Less than a tank of gas.
That nonsense about GOA "not getting anything done" ticked me off so bad I just bought someone a membership.

As you can see from this screenshot of my bank statement, it's been a busy day for memberships :D

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