Justice Breyer

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Oct 15, 2007
Justice Breyer will speak on March 4th at 3:30 PM in the Suffolk University Theatre on 55 Temple Street, Boston, MA.

Just so everyone knows.
is Breyer a problem 2A wise?

I heard him talk at the University of Miami about 2 years ago. He seemed pretty reasonable at the time, granted - he didn't talk about 2A issues.
Breyer, Like Souter was originally billed as a conservative but like Souter.... he's NOT. He's a globalist (believer in the NWO) and he was one of the folks who favored making foreign LAWS a part of the USSC decision making process. So tell me, how does the UN feel about our gun rights? Rhetorical question we all know the answer here. Not all of the court feels like this or we'd have lost our guns a lot sooner. But by the time the last of the old crop of judges (pre "W" regime) retires or dies we'd BETTER have strict constructionist jurists installed or we're toast and so are our guns. Breyer and Souter, unfortunately, are pretty young so we may have to worry about their decisions for awhile. Kennedy is the swing vote and he swings leaning left most of the time.
Breyer and Souter both voted to gut the Constitution in the Kello case which speaks volumes about how well they "uphold" the Constitution. I expect that both will rule that the 2nd A is not an individual right. Hopefully their position will be with on the losing side in this case.
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