KABA Writer (David Codrea) Investigated for Questioning Civil Authority

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Which is EXACTLY the point we are making about Mr. Codrea. His actions could do more to harm to our cause.

But I have a feeling this discussion is going no where. The KABA folks will continue to insist that they did nothing wrong (which is basically true) but their tactics will tend to provide ammunition (pun intended) for anti-gun forces.

This is so pathetic and so cowardly, I hardly have the words to express it! God forbid someone step out on a limb and push the limits to protect OUR BASIC RIGHTS! God forbid someone rocks the boat of tyranny. God forbid a writer speaks his opinion!

Your type would rather have gun owners known as people who quietly sit there and cower in a corner than people who stand up for principles. Your type would rather celebrate not losing all of our rights at once, than take a chance fighting to restore them. And then you have the gall sit there and condemn those who aren't as pathetic and cowardly as you?

A rhetorical, satirical article brings down a police investigation on the head of the writer, and you condemn him for rocking the boat? You apparently have about as much respect for the First Amendment as you have for the Second Amendment, and to me that looks like it's not too much. You apparently just want to condemn KABA and Angel for being everything you are afraid to be: principled, independent and courageous. And instead of standing aside and letting those who can and are willing to fight the battle for our rights do it, you try and shoot them down.

David and Angel aren't even here to defend themselves, and haven't been for a long time. And yet, you perpetuate the cowardly act of lobbing grenades at them while they cannot even answer your pathetic jibes. Is THAT the type of image you want gun owners to perpetuate - cowards who would condemn allies for doing what they are too weak, too cowardly and too morally lacking in integrity to do? Do you really want America to view gun owners as compliant automatons who would toe the line and bow to tyranny?

That's exactly what Sarah Brady and her ilk want, and that's exactly what your message is giving them.

Who would do more harm to our cause - the people fighting to restore our rights WITHIN THE TIGHT CONFINES OF THE LAW, willing to fight, push the envelope and unwilling to compromise away our rights...

...or the people who sit quietly on the sidelines, obey unconstitutional laws, bow to tyrants and keep their fingers crossed that all of their rights won't go away all at once, while spitting on those who are unwilling to take the coward's way out?

If you don't approve of our tactics, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion. But fact remains, we're fighting for you too, so if you can't be supportive, at least have the common goddamn courtesy of not stabbing us in the back every opportunity you get. We face enough opposition from the enemies of freedom, without having to deal with cowardly backstabbing from those who supposedly support our rights.

That was uncalled for.

I consider myself a friend of Angel's, but I don't agree with KABA in this instance. Those of us in this thread who see a problem have expressed our opinions in a respectful manner to Angel, Codrea and KABA.

We'd appreciate the same courtesy.

So lay off the vitriol and ad hominem jabs, OK?
It's called "self defense." Most of us here tend to support it, except for when attacking others behind their backs.

David did nothing wrong. He wrote a satirical article, and he got the law investigating him for it. Agree with him? OK. Disagree with him? OK. But attacking KABA, Angel and David for being detrimental to our cause and "giving ammunition" to our enemies is a slap - and a disgusting one at that.

Uncalled for? Standing up for your friends, who are unable to even reply to the unwarranted slap, when they are being unjustly accused of harming our cause is uncalled for? Sorry, but I venemently disagree.
Standing up for your friends, who are unable to even reply to the unwarranted slap, when they are being unjustly accused of harming our cause is uncalled for?
Well, then why don't you explain to people how it is unwarranted and unjust rather than simply lashing out with nothing but vitriol and ad hominem attack. :)

BTW, have Angel and Codrea been banned from THR -- what do you mean by "unable to respond"? In any event, this public forum is not behind their backs.
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Since Angel Shamaya, director of KABA, is banned from THR but is being attacked here, I hope it's OK to post one thing he chose to share:

Some people are of the mindset that merely suggesting that you are "thinking about" expressing your rights to civil authority makes you a bad person, and a danger to the movement.

While I find such a conflicted belief genuinely sad and shallow, I respect such people's right to believe such a thing, of course.

I suspect those same people will continue to attack and castigate, no matter what we do. Some people's capacity to wear blinders and cower in fear and political correctness is truly monumental.

Fortunately, we do not govern KeepAndBearArms.com by the want to please moderates, nor to pacify those who belittle the acts of courage they could not themselves produce.

I did read this entire thread. I'd like to have responded to jimpeel's post (page 2, the post with the first word in bold: "Hedger"). My response to him, if I weren't banned from this place where I'm frequently attacked, would have been:

"Mr. Peel, your statement to Hedger is so cogent, sound and correct, it was a true pleasure to read. You give me hope that patriotism will survive the kind of people your post was designed to enlighten. Keep being yourself. You honor our nation's Founders mightily."
This thread is closed while I review the posts more closely and contact a few members.

I will most likely re- open it in a little while.

Hang tight, folks.


Upon further review... The play stands as called.

I'm gonna leave it closed.

Feel free to open another thread on this topic, but *ALL* personal attacks will be beget grievous consequences. :fire:
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