Kansas Heating Up?

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Dec 27, 2002
Kansas City area
According to an article in yesterday's paper, now that Missouri has passed CCW, the pressure is back on in Kansas. We're now one of the last five states where the politicians think the citizens are too stupid to carry guns.

Everybody keep your fingers crossed for us. We're really trying hard not to look as backward as some of our leaders make us look.:banghead:

Robert I'll be praying for Kansas to pass a CCW. My son lives near Topeka and is a shooter, he would love for this to happen.:)
I live in Northwest Missouri and my father-in-law owns land in Kansas. My wife and I are always going over there to visit her dads girlfriend and kids. I hope Kansas does adopt a CCW law not just for people living in Kansas but also for people like me, my wife, and my father-in-law that are over there quite frequently. Hopefully they will adopt a CCW law that allows those with out of state licenses to carry in Missouri. I will keep my fingers crossed either way though.

Kansas really does have some screwball laws

We don't even have the right of initiative petition. IE, if the good citizens want to pass a law, and our righteous leaders don't think it's a good idea, we have no way of going around them by referendum.:cuss:

may God and patience be with you.

Good grief, man, don't use the "G" word! You might cause a certain "new member from Norway" to go tearing through the Oslo streets screaming "My eyes, my eyes are burning! He said God!":D
We're gonna need good luck. Last bill was killed by a Republican governor, new Governor's a Democrat. She's already stated she thinks carry would be OK for off duty & retired LEO's only, but I really don't think she's real keen on that. Hope she proves me wrong!
Ah yes ... Kansas ... where the Democrats are Democrats and the Republicans are Democrats and the Libertarians are .... where are the Libertarians?

Good luck guys, you're going to need it ... I did my time in Kansas (from birth followed by 34 years) but It would be nice to be able to legaly carry when I go back home to visit the folks (but knowing Wichita, they will pass a city ordnance against CCW :rolleyes: ).
Politicians think the citizens are stupid? Well, they're not "towing the party line" and if the politicians are smart and would like to stay in office (and what politician doesn't?), they'd advocate for guns.
I'm about to move out of the People's Republic of Lawrence and into Jefferson County. Have to see who my new state legislative critters are & start working on them. ;)
BTW, every state I've moved out of (Arkansas, Texas, Colorado & Missouri) has passed a CCW law AFTER I've left. :(
bobs, any way we can send you on tour?

Maybe Illinois, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, then fly out to California? BOBSY2K3--see him now!

Yes......and please visit Maryland on that tour.;)
Kansas Polotician Typically Thinking

Farmers don't need to carry a handgun, who is gonna bother them, they are dirst poor from our legislation.

City Folk are Democrats, they don't even want to carry.

That just leaves us, and we got the police to escort us around.

End O rant.
El Tejon & Dorgunr, I suppose I could go camp out in each of those states for a while & see if my apparent 'curse' works.
El Tejon & Dorgunr, I suppose I could go camp out in each of those states for a while & see if my apparent 'curse' works.
bobs1066.......that's not a curse......it's a blessing.;)
If the state doesn't pass CCW until I'm gone, it's a curse to me.

I reckon I could do something radical like go back to one of my former states of residence. How long is the statute of limitations in Texas for the crime of square dancing in a roundhouse & selling used cattle?
Bobs, how about a swing through Ohio, while you're at it? ? ?

The Ohio Supreme Court doesn't think we are smart or safe with CCW, either, although 2 lower courts have unanimously ruled that the Ohio CCW ban is unconstituional.
I hope some of it drifts up this way too.. Iowa is an "Hell no I aint issuing it is my discretion state"
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