Kent State Professor Promoting Jihad Against USA

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Nov 27, 2006
Not sure if any of you all were aware of this, but... Kent State Professor Julio Pino has a website/blog and on the site he praises suicide bombers, promotes violence against non-Muslims, including actions against Americans inside the borders of the USA.

Now, sure we all are entitled to have our voice in matters, but for a person to espouse such vile hatred for America, and urging attacks upon non-Muslims is unacceptable - in my opinonion. This man is a university professor, collecting a paycheck that comes from American student enrollments and taxpayer funds. He is promoting the death and destruction of America and Americans.

Maybe some people want to tolerate, protect or promote the vile hatred being spewed out of Mr Pino's cake-hole, but I for one will not. I would love to see a media fire mission to destroy this professor in the media that makes the Zumbo affair look like child's play.
wonder what the allumni would think of it, or the senior administrators.

would be a damn shame to email links to the blog all around the state and see what happens......
Has this been verified as genuine and from the professor? Seems there was some question about that on the other thread discussing this.
I searched the website and their is no mention that Professor Pino has anything to do with it. He has not officaly mentioned he has anything to do with it. I am asking is there any proof that Pino is involved with the website and militant Muslims?
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Right to free speach. He can speak as he wishes until he lifts a finger to help an enemy. I don't agree with him, and the University or those paying his salaries can get him booted from his position if they wish. However such people become the "forbidden fruit" of a campus and more people are enticed to go take a bite and listen.

Islam is hateful to America. No matter how many American Muslim organizations get on TV and preach they are about peace, or politicians stand side by side with them and denounce the "terrorist" muslims and say they are not true to Islam.

I have read the Koran. It specificly details treatment of non muslims. They must either submit to rule by Muslims, pay additional taxes, and enjoy fewer rights specificly cited, or convert to Islam. The only other option is death. So Muslims spouting otherwise are actualy not strictly adhering to its teachings. They would be like the Christians that are highly promiscous, wear a cross on thier neck and appear in pornos, while fighting for the right to be bisexual/gay/lesbian. It just does not add up. Thier actions and personal beliefs would conflict with the doctrine they claim to be a part of.

Islam is anti western lifestyle. Sure many muslims will not actively support terror, but those that follow it precisely will. This makes Islam an enemy of the west. This is not PC though. So people are slow to accept this truth.

The only friendly muslims to our way of life are those not truly following Islam, period.

In the Koran: 9:29 cites paying of Jizya for all non muslims living under muslim rule. There is other citings for additional rights denied to non muslims living under muslim rule.

We see the lifestyle when a society lives strictly according to Islam because such places have Sharia law. Challenging Islam or Islamic rule is a severe offense subjecting one to death in accordance with the Koran/Qur'an. It is in essence a form of treason.
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