Kerry and the 2nd Amendment

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Good article. Fortunately his backstabbing isn't news to anyone here, I'm just curious how many hunters believe his garbage.
Before voting to allow reckless lawsuits to continue, Senator Kerry took to the floor of the Senate to announce he was a hunter and supporter of the Second Amendment "as interpreted in our country." "As interpreted" is code for saying he agrees with the San Francisco-based U.S. Court of Appeals that the Second Amendment doesn't provide you or me an individual right to own a firearm. Basically, he's saying you can have the firearms the government says you can until they say you can't anymore. Ask yourself whether you have ever heard Senator Kerry say unequivocally that the Second Amendment provides an individual right to keep and bear arms?

John Kerry believes in the 2nd Amendment "as interpreted". That means he'll work to keep on interpreting it until it means nothing.
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