Kerry Fulminating About The AWB

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Dec 26, 2002
Upper Michigan
Sen. Kerry is tearing around the country sqawking about the end of the AWB. He claims President Bush let it expire, but actually Congress did it.

He sounds really worked up. I think he may be undoing everything he tried to do by talking about "crawling" around with a 12 gauge double looking for deer, and by shooting clay birds and a few pheasants.

IMO, it would be smarter for him just to be quiet and let the thing croak. Why TRY and tick off more gun owners?
Kerry realizes he's about to lose a national election. He's sinking and desperately looking for any traction he can get. He'll be on to something else in a couple of days, after his polls and focus groups show no increased support from these tirades.
Good! And if he can keep on this Vietnam stuff too, that'd be great! But don't forget to remind everyone how you're going to increase taxes while you're at it! He can change his campaign slogan to "Four More Years". :)
Kerry is about to come under attack from the NRA like no candidate has before. He is striking first...since he learned a tough "Swift Boat" lesson.

It's kinda ironic that his 'let them hit first' mentality is his national defense policy as well.
He is looking for an issue that will stir up support. I don't think this will do it for him
Herein lies the undoing of Kerry. His party and handlers have pleaded with him to stay the heck away from the gun-issue since it sunk Algore.
It is pitifull to see a man pounding nails in his own coffin!:D

Gee, I sincerely hope Finestein does not lose over 10 days of sleep over the slaying of her AWB.;)
I am most puzzled about Kerry-supporters (actually just Bush-haters), whining about the "outrageous" high gas-prices because Bush did it, and their candidate already promised to raise the tax on gas by $0.50 per gallon.

How far can stupidity go?

The whole thing reminds me of my old country (Western Germany). In this case, the "conservatives" lost the power to the "Social Democrats" and some of their "highest" leaders held speeches, wishing that Germany goes down the sewer. Everything bad for the nation was good for their ego. It backfired, they never got the power back.
I thought Kerry was a hunter and a gun guy??? (where is mr oreily when we need him :rolleyes: )

Guess he hasnt learned his lesson from 1994....
I'm torn on this issue.

On the one hand, I can see how he'd get frustrated trying to use large, full-capacity magazines in AK's and AR's while low-crawling in the mud after deer.

On the other hand, I would think that anyone who hunts deer by crawling on his belly through muddy woods would appreciate an action like the AK's.

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