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Kerry on shotguns for deer...

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Dec 20, 2002
Louisiana, USA
(I wasn't sure whether to post this in Hunting - for obvious reasons - or L&P, for equally obvious reasons, so I tossed a coin, and it came down L&P! :D )

From the Telegraph, London (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/...4AVCBQ0JVC?xml=/opinion/2004/07/27/do2702.xml):

Kerry can't shoot deer or stop terror

By Mark Steyn
(Filed: 27/07/2004)


There's a bumper sticker I see on a lot of Vermont cars these days: "BE PATRIOTIC – VOTE GEORGE BUSH OUT". The trouble is you can't vote Bush out, you have to vote the other fellow in. And convention week marks the point when Americans begin to get to know the challenger the way they know the incumbent. I find it hard to believe that getting to know John F Kerry can possibly work to his advantage.

He was in Wisconsin the other day, pretending to be a regular guy, and was asked what kind of hunting he preferred. "I'd have to say deer," said the senator. "I go out with my trusty 12-gauge double-barrel, crawl around on my stomach... That's hunting."

This caused huge hilarity among my New Hampshire neighbours. None of us has ever heard of anybody deer hunting by crawling around on his stomach, even in Massachusetts. The trick is to blend in with the woods and, given that John Kerry already looks like a forlorn tree in late fall, it's hard to see why he'd give up his natural advantage in order to hunt horizontally.

Possibly his weird Vietnam nostalgia is getting out of control. Still, if I come across a guy in the woods in deer season inching through the undergrowth with a mouthful of bear scat, at least I'll know who it is.

Conversely, if you're a 14-point buck and get shot in the toe this autumn, you'll know who to sue.


(Full text at link above.)
The vast majority of Gun Owners are NOT fooled by Kerry's almost comic attempts at trying to play gun-lover.

Thanks to the internet, gun owners are more informed now than they ever have been before in the past. We are technically more unified in knowledge and organization. In my opinion, we still don't do enough.

Now, every once in a while some gun owning Democrat will try to find a way to justify voting for Kerry by saying "see Bush says he will sign the AWB - they are no different"....these people are just clowns lying to themelves about the candidates. That it ok, most people are not 1 issue voters. It would be better though for people like this to just cut through the BS and just say that Kerry's other policies out rank the gun issue...

The people I personally hate the most are these Bolt-Action lovin' ultra sportsman Democrat types who don't give a crap about the AWB, since "you don't use an AK-47 to hunt deer"

There are sooooooo many of them, but fortunately for us, they are a minority, a small minority of ignorant gun owners. IF you ever run across one, let them know that their Model 700 with fancy Leupold on it will be called a [High powered, long range, armor piercing sniper rifle - capable of dropping a cop at 1/2 mile]someday.

Beyond these fools, I am personally confident that 99% of gun owners know exactly how evil Kerry will be towards guns. If you thought Clinton was bad, Kerry will be 2x worse.

I think something gets put in the box lunches those persons of that party eat. When WJC was POTUS - and on one of his trips back here at home ...he used a "duck rifle". When asked at what range he felled ducks - "80 yds".

Maybe Kerry and Clinton need to "pardner up" on a hunt. :D
I suppose you could go deer hunting with a double barrel-it is called "buckshot" for a reason-but, given the kind of double barrel people of Kerry's ilk usually own, I just don't see him crawling around in the dirt with it.
That it ok, most people are not 1 issue voters. It would be better though for people like this to just cut through the BS and just say that Kerry's other policies out rank the gun issue

That's my take on it. I don't think Kerry is the best RKBA choice--duh--but I think he'd likely be better for the country overall (including other civil liberties that the Bush admin has been quick to infringe on). Politics rarely presents ideal choices.
I don't think Kerry is the best RKBA choice--duh--but I think he'd likely be better for the country overall

Unfortunately for Kerry, I'm one of those "close-minded, single-issue voters." If someone doesn't respect my 2nd Amendment rights, they cannot be trusted with /any/ of my civil liberties, period. If a man doesn't trust me to remain armed, that man has serious power control issues and cannot be trusted with public office.
Kerry would be so bad for RKBA it's not even funny.

However, buckshot is used on deer, and last time I was out deer hunting I did end up lying prone behind my rifle on top of a ridge overlooking a small stream. In fact, I think I went to sleep for a while... :)
Don't hunt with an AK?!?!

Tell these boys that!

Credit to H&H hunter for picture from Zambezi...


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By the Way

AMEN Beren! If you don't have respect for ALL of my rights then the ones you say you do, probably aren't too long for this world either.
Besides, you can hunt with an AK-47. I believe you just need some hollow points and some quick follow up shots, but I dunno, I forgot how.
In addition to being a lying, pandering anti-gun zealot Kerry actually voted for the PAtriot act didn't he.
Unfortunately for Kerry, I'm one of those "close-minded, single-issue voters." If someone doesn't respect my 2nd Amendment rights, they cannot be trusted with /any/ of my civil liberties, period. If a man doesn't trust me to remain armed, that man has serious power control issues and cannot be trusted with public office.

Hear Hear!!!! My feelings exactly.
As I tell my children, it's not just dishonesty that enrages me, it's dishonest behavior that shows disrespect for my intelligence. It's bad enough to lie to me, but don't tell a lie that clearly shows me that you think I'm stupid.

A double barrel for deer? He must have pheasants and deer confused.

Kind of like confusing the 2A with hunting.
Okay, so he uses a rifle or bow, but otherwise that's pretty much how my dad hunts deer out in Colorado... stalks 'em. That whole sit in a cushy tree stand for a couple days and wait for one to walk under you so you can shoot it in the back thing just doesn't have the same appeal for him. Can't say I really disagree.
Sure, but there are less and less rifle zones especially around Minnesota. I hear Wisconsin was moving to all slug guns everntually, so stalking is harder, especially if you have a small area to work. 500 acre farms are now 40 acre hobby farms. A tree stand cushy? Boring maybe but cushy no. That's why I stick to the small game. At least I get a workout in with walking.
I also agree with the one issue voter above. Many people deride 'one issue' voters, and I tend to agree in some situations. But if a pol does not recognize the most important civil liberty -- the God-given right to arms and self-defense -- then what other of my rights will they trample upon?

A pol who trusts the citizenry with arms generally respects the citizenry, in my view. A pol who does not thinks we're sheep, whether he realizes it or not.
crawling arround on yer belly looking for deer requires a drum mag and a kalashnikov

maybe Kerry's flashing back to hunting VC
I shot my first two deer with a Fox 20 ga. double barreled shotgun in upstate NY. I used slugs. The Fox was my great-grandfathers gun and it was all I had to use - so it's what got used. I shot them standing up.
The Guns&Ammo magazine considers

both Kerry and Bush a wash as far as gun control goes (July-04 issue).
Ever since the NRA gave Bush senior an F-grade, I've little trust for the
for the entire family!
he's got mole rats confused with Bucks..

"Honey, I went out and I wounded me a buck in the hoof.."


You ever read a thread, and worry for the country and lose IQ AT THE SAME TIME??

:uhoh: :scrutiny: :barf:
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