Kerry's answer about the AWB was pure BS

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Sep 22, 2004
He is praticaly saying now because the AWB is lifted everyone including criminals can go out and buy an AK-47 on street corners... Criminals can buy AK-47's now without backround checks

now people who dont know any better will think "oh gee because of bush all the criminals have AK47's now"

I really get pissed off when Kerry says our rights to have a semi auto, makes it easier for criminals and terrorists to get "assault weapons".
Like the AW ban stopped criminals and terrorist from getting full autos and other weapons from the drug trade and black market.
I bet narco-terrorists in Colombia are just lining up to get a machine gun from the store down the street from my house.
Kerry is an S.O.B. and I pray that he loses.

As far as Bush, I'm glad that he side stepped that question. Actions speak louder than words, and Bush said he supported the AW Ban, but his inaction to get it resigned means more that his 2000 campaing remark.

I am completely with you Kevin. The uneducated are by far in the top most dangerous in our nation.
All I can say is for those of you who do have these "assault weapons" is to buy spare parts now, and make sure you have enough mags to go with it. Who knows what the future holds for our gun rights if anti-gun judges get appointed.
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