Knife sharpeners... Lansky, Gatco...

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I've got both (both diamond). They work pretty much the same but I do prefer the GATCO slightly as the fringergrooved 'stones' are a bit wider and easier to handle.
I've used the Spyderco Sharpmaker for years now and it could not be easier to use. Does a great job, fast and easy.
One vote: Spyderco Sharpmaker.
I,have used a lansky for about 6yrs.
very pleased with it.
just had to add a coupla serrated stones to the kit.
the base(pedastal)is also nice to have.
have not tried the gatco or any others,
as i'm pleased w\the lansky.

just my $.02

I have been using the Lansky Standard kit for about 6 months now. Only added the serrated blade stone. It's great for keeping the desired angle. Only cost $30 or so. I find that the way you grip it leaves some to be desired, maybe that's just me. Thougt about trying the pedestal. I have also heard good things about the Sharpmaker that others have mentioned.
I have the Lansky and the Spyderco sharpener. The Lansky is a great sharpener. If you want to put a new angle on a knife go Lansky. If you take care of your knives and don`t beat them to the point of where you need to remove metal and get the knife sharp again, Spyderco all the way. It is quick and easy. When I get a knife that is very dull (won`t cut rope,rubber, plastic) I pull out the Lansky. To touch up and keep razor sharp go Spyderco.
I have the Lansky Deluxe kit, grade it a solid A as sharpeners go. The only major drawbacks are, it's a pain to use in the field for quick touchups, doesn't work great on knives that are to long (8"+) or short (<2") or is very small, edge to back, in blade size. Even then if you work carefully you will get a razor edge. For almost all normal blade sizes, shapes and metals you'd be hard pressed to find anything that will put a sharper edge on as easily or quickly. When I lost my first kit (to my BIL) I didn't hesitate in upgrading to the Deluxe. You could say, so nice I bought it twice.
'nuther vote for the Spyderco Sharpmaker.

I didn't realize how much I'd been overdoing it with the stones until recently.(past 2 or 3 years since I got the Sharpmaker)

95% of my resharpening consists of drawing the blade UP the Sharpmaker maybe 5 or 6 swipes just to bend the edge back into shape.
I've been using the DMT diamond Aligner kit w/ 2 stones. It's at the bottom of this page:

It's great for resetting angles and does a good job of putting an edge on a blade.

On the theory you can't have enough good stuff...I bought a Sharpmaker yesterday at the gun show.

I love sharp fillet knives and kitchen knives. I try not to sharpen my Sebenza too often - I'm afraid it'll wear down the sharpener. ;)

I just got a new sharpener ......what the heck is it says the last sharpener you'll ever need on it .it's bow shaped, white plastic handle...crap...I'll post the name when I get home.....anyway,you draw the sharpener along the blade(which is held upside down)there are 2 angled stone things that do the just may be the last one I ever what's it called..........I'll was only like $10 too....sorry I can't remember the name:mad:
You mean something like this?


I love my Spyderco Sharpmaker.

I have sharpened everything from my kitchen knives to my Kershaw Leek to my tomahawk to fish hooks to scissors on that thing.

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