Knives don't kill people...

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Dec 29, 2002
Knives Don't Kill People...

Katherine Mangu-Ward | November 17, 2006, 3:23pm


...unless you're in the U.K., where this ad recently appeared in Underground stations and buses. The poster was created from a design done by a 14 year-old Thomas Keller from Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School in Kensington. The "s" at the end of "lives" is a Swiss Army knife. Pretty clever for a 14 year-old. One hopes adult subway riders will not be swayed.

I suppose they're just trying to keep up with the MacJoneses.

Via Dynamist

Click here to see a big version.

Utterly idiotic.
So, if one is diagnosed with a tumor in the UK, does not the surgeon cut out the growth with a tumor with a knife?

Or does one just go to the police and the police order the tumor out of your body? "What's all this then? Lying about someone's body, out with you then, straight away!"

In ten (10) years will we see a sign "Hands Take Lives"?:scrutiny:
Sounds good to me i dont see why any one would need a knife in this day and age. But if they could sell them back over here that would be great too.
Someday I would really like it if humanity would wake up and realize that people kill people; the tool doesn't matter. Its so aggravating because it makse no sense to blame to the tool... arrg
Ya know, one of these days, somebody in parliment is going to read the book of Genisis in the KJV of the bible.

When they do, the idiots will put forth a bill banning rocks.:banghead:

The tool DOES NOT matter! It is the MIND behind the act. The tool is just the method.

Lordy...Where will it all end? All this silliness, I mean. Soon, they'll have an uproar to ban boots...especially steel-toed assault boots...then belts...then shoelaces...and then forks...and then spoons...and rocks! Don't forget rocks! Pencils and pens, too will be weapons. Hey! You can put your eye out with that thing! Then finally anything harder and more solid than a feather duster will be viewed as a destructive device...and ya know what?
People will still find a way to kill each other.

Silliness. Pure goose silliness.:rolleyes:

BBC News UK said:
Face surgeon backs city glass ban
Prof Jonathan Shepherd said glass was used as a weapon
A leading expert on glass injuries and tackling violent crime has backed Glasgow's glass ban describing it as "a major step forward" in public health.

He said the only way to reduce glass attacks was to take away availability.

Glasgow is introducing a no-glass policy for pubs and clubs in a controversial move which has met with some licensed trade opposition.

Prof Shepherd's comments come after a licensee launched a campaign opposing the ban.

Clubs and pubs with late night licences in Glasgow city centre have already introduced plastic and toughed glass. Others in Greater Glasgow must follow by the end of June.

Mr Shepherd is professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery at Cardiff University.

He said weapons must be taken off the street.

"If there is one thing we know about weapons it is that availability is everything," he said.

"For example, if guns are available then people use them - the same applies to glass.

"Violence is concentrated in and around bars and reducing availability is likely to be very worthwhile."

Prof Shepherd ruled out calls from some sections of the licensed trade to introduce a ban on a "where appropriate" basis.

He said: "The fact is people take glasses and bottles onto the street.

"Again it is about availability, people once in a while use them as weapons.

"It's not good enough to have one premises doing it, it is far better to go for a blanket approach.

"I think it is terrific, it represents a major step forward for public health."

Cardiff has a partial ban on glass, with premises opened until 0300 GMT introducing plastic.

Major suppliers now make their product available in plastic bottles.

Prof Shepherd said the Welsh experience showed that the increase in use of plastic correlated with a reduction in glass injuries.

Post-traumatic stress

He said people must remember the scarring - both physical and mental - caused by glass attacks.

He added: "It's facial cuts, face scars in the long run.

"About 70% are noticeable, tragically someone may have a nerve sliced through or lose an eye.

"From a psychological standpoint, one-third develop post-traumatic stress disorder.

"This is characterised by flashbacks, waking in the middle of the night. They become depressed and anxious."

Prof Shepherd is also chairman of Cardiff's violence prevention group.
Yes, folks. The world really IS coming to an end.
Well at least its just normal glass and none of that "assault glass" with the pistol grip and bayonet lug. Just imagine how dangerous that martini could be with a bayonet! There would be drive by bayonetings everywhere!
No further comment from us is required, but suffice it to say we look forward to proposals for the rubber housebrick (a common bludgeoning weapon), the papier mache baseball bat (ditto) and the soft plastic claw hammer (ditto). ®

Why don't they ban dog ownership? A trained dog is a dangerous weapon..*
(Czechoslovak border guards had killer dogs designated
SUP (samoutociaci pes) -- self-directed attack dog).. I love military jargon..
Quick smart.... I sence seapage.

Ahhh yes... another load of BS designed to take the responsibility off the individual and place it....
"insert": inanimate object, social institution, religious group, lack of hugs, guidance, father loved me
too little, father loved me too much... (wink wink), the devil made me do it, God told me to do it.... "here".
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Then finally anything harder and more solid than a feather duster will be viewed as a destructive device

As a male I object!
The thread is pointless... should be listed as fun..
Attacking that doctor's arguments is easier than killing fish in a barrel with handgrenades..
(though the barrel should be sturdy and of appropriate size)

I wonder... boxcutters are outlawed there too?
(we all know how dangerous those things can be!! )
The problem is, we've adjusted so well to getting shafted, that there are few people opposed to these bans.

There aren't enough sensible people here to force a repeal of the firearms bans, for example.
Oh not this tops it all the F off. in 8th grade i got sent to the office and the principal told me she was close to calling the police to press charges because i scratched a kid with a pen cap. like the Bic pen caps. not the pen, the F'ing pen cap. oh and razors are a weapon. good luck shaving with some styrofoam :neener: Glass? Glass?! Where do these people come up with this BS? I am in total and utter amazement. Wow...
How many of us have lumber laying around the house? You do great. Do you have any nails? You do great. Well lets drive our nails into those boards, take them to the U.K, take over the country, and RESTORE COMMON SENSE. Jesus H Christ you have to be kidding me :banghead: . Next comes the law where all sticks must be registered.
And yet another step taken down the road to total inability to care for oneself. It would seem Great Britain is lost. The land that gave us the phrase, "the sun never sets on the British Empire" no longer has even the last vestiges of greatness. What a sad and terrible shame.

And to think, all this could be avoided by simply punishing people for doing violent acts rather than wasting immeasurable energy on legislating against inert objects. tsk tsk tsk will we never learn.
OK, sheeple, blissninnies, and other booger-eating morons, write this down. Read and believe -

Assault is a behavior, not a device!

Look around you. There is little in the room that a properly [?] motivated person could not assault you with, starting with their own body parts. Violence comes from the heart, not from an inanimate object. Tonight's assignment - look up the meaning of the work "inanimate".

There will be a quiz.:barf:

Geez - this is getting tedious
And Now For Something Completely Different . . .

It's Bloody Monty Python.

There's no way this is real life.

Someone's having a lark and got John Cleese to write up the silliest, stupidest, least believable parody of "what to be afraid of" and the public has swallowed it.

Ministry of Silly Walks, indeed!
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