Knob Creek is cancelled!

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I'm going to sticky this one for a while, so it stays up top and more people get a chance to see it. I'd hate for anyone who didn't get the word to waste a trip if we can help prevent it.

It can be unstickied after 13 April, when the weekend is over.

Go to to confirm the information, if you doubt what you see here.

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Heard this on the radio at work last night. I only live about 35 minutes away and it was going to be my first time going. :(
I would think a little "infantry sunshine" wouldn't stop that sort of thing.

A lack of suitable watercraft is another story....
What a shame and they don't have it rescheduled later either. Alot of folks disappointed.
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From what I hear from my local gun store (their owner talked to the Knobcreek honcho) all that water dislodged the bridge shown in the first picture. The US Army Corp of Engineers inspected the bridge once the waters receeded and declaired it unsafe.

It didn't help that the rest of the place was a complete swamp.
Bummer. I'm far away and wasn't planning on going, but that's still unfortunate for all those who were. It looks like the time of one's life. I'd love to go some day, I'm fresh out of machine guns though.

I think all the necessary info possible to be gained from this thread is already exposed by the time the reader reaches my post, so do you guys mind talking about Knob Creek a little bit?

I'd like to go some time just to soak it all in. I seem to remember it is a great time for any old Joe Shmoe, correct? One can "rent" a M249 et al? I remember Michael Bane saying there were tons of guns there available for sale, but I assume that includes your standard fare as well?
It's pretty much the biggest MILITARY gun show in the country... You'll see a few Remchesters, but the bulk of stuff is milsurp. Bring some extra money, and drop by Cole's tent - they are a milsurp dealer out of Louisville, and always have nice stuff.
I'm very familiar with the area there near West Point, KY. Flooding was a constant problem in the '80s, both at Ft. Knox and points north, including West Point, Cosmosdale, Shively, etc.

One year, my company was trapped on the M60 range at Ft. Knox. We had to wade through water to get to the range, and I noted to the company commander that if we continued on, we wouldn't be walking back. I was right. Unfortunately, we were on one side of the water and the guns were on the other. I noticed the brigade(post?) commander flying around in a Huey, and suggested that if he could fly over the flooded area, so could the Committee Group's M60s, and sure enough, they were flown out to us. On the way back, we had to be ferried across in engineer boats.

Flooding was so endemic in the West Point/Cosmosdale area that they actually built a flood wall. One year a little farther north, a barge washed up on the river bank at about a 45deg angle. It literally looked like one of the star destroyers from "Star Wars" had come to rest next to Highway 31w.
I have been working in Bullit County. They had allot of rain fast a couple of times and we are expecting more. Knob Creek is off of 44. A state road and it is in bad shape in several places. They have had some bad slides.
Knob Creek is off of 44. A state road and it is in bad shape in several places. They have had some bad slides.
The road between Knob Creek and the Ft. Knox instrumented tank range looks like a lot of little winding mountain roads in Korea. I once had to go up there in a CJ during driving a rainstorm while pulling Engineer Board SDO duty. I'm glad I never had to do it again.
It was a nice touch posting this notice here. Even though I wasn't planning on going, I appreciate the thoughtfulness of the posting.

Thank you!
I think I heard today that they are going to have a shoot as soon as they can. They are still set for this fall but they intend to shoot before that also.
The true purpose of HAARP, revealed!!!

Glad to see at least one other THR member is awake.

When the waters receed and the folk over there reclaim their land, it would serve them well to research and get moving with some orgonite. Recommend at least 2 Croft Chembusters, dozens of HHG's and undetermined numbers of TB's for the towers in the vicinity ( can help determine the amount of tb's needed).

Orgonite is a proven effective cure. Nothing like this has happened within 20 miles of any standing chembuster.

This is no joke. Many see proof of the effectiveness of orgonite every day.

and others, just open eyes and look
When I first saw this thread I was tired and just saw the words "sticky knob" and did a serious double take.

Can we just start our OWN machine gun shoot in the WEST already? Sheesh.
When I first moved to KY from CA, Kentucky Rifle, who is no longer with us, asked me if I liked the weather. I said it's OK I guess. He said wait 10 minutes, it will change. He was right. You just never know. Having come from a place virtually no weather, KY certainly is different.
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