Knob Creek Night shoot footage...

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Yup...just like I remembered it! Certainly not something you'll easily forget.

I took the last Red Horse Aviation OH-6 chopper ride that flew out over that firing line right at dusk. Very stirring experience!

(Also, this is a good thing to show people who think that bullets go downrange and die nice peaceful deaths in the dirt. Tracers can show you that 'tain't always so.)
Well that was just awesome. I need to head up there sometime and experience that for myself.

Welcome to THR
Very nice footage - I did a couple of Knob Creek Vids, too -
Sam, you sure aren't kidding about where rounds go - I saw tracers skipping around all over the place and starting small peripheral fires that Chad and sundry others quickly got busy stamping out.
I was awestruck by the sight of the night shoot, and how much heat I felt every time one of those barrels detonated.
good point, Sam

every time i've been to the creek, they've had to stop and put out forest fires set by tracers ricocheting

now granted, they don't actually have BERMS there, they just shoot into the side of a hill, and are shooting at lots of metal targets, neither of which reliably capture rounds
heh yeah, the first time i was surprised just how much heat those explosions generate
heh yeah, the first time i was surprised just how much heat those explosions generate

And the wave-coming-ashore effect of that blast.

"Ready on the right? Ready on the Left? Ready on the Firing Line! Commence F-BOOOOM!" ... <pause> ... Whoosh. Oooh, warm! :)
very nice vid!!!!....i had a place with a pond where we would shoot into the bank about 150y off......shot 1000's of 8mm, 308's, ect in the day one night i fired a few 8mm tracers in to the same bank and about 25y on the other side of the bank the tracers would get up and head who knows i'm sure what i thought was a good back stop wasn't!!!
Nice footage, thanks for sharing.

Anyone care to speculate on the ammo cost of those 2 minutes? :what:
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