Know Thy Enemy

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I just don't see how you can even try and understand such narrow mindedness and irrationality as we see on display in the media right now:

But it’s the guns, stupid.

Banning assault weapons - all of them - will help.

Banning the production of anything that allows a person to shoot more than six bullets will help.

Banning all gun shows will help.

Taking steps to buy back guns, to confiscate illegal ones from the homes of Americans, to putting people in prison for disobeying gun laws - all of those would help control gun violence in America.
I don't understand how a person like David Gregory of NBC can be videotaped breaking a law in the District of Columbia and not be charged. We all know what the laws are in our respective states and know that ignorance of the law is no justification of breaking the law. Two weeks ago Illinois State Senator Donne Trotter was arrested for trying to carry a gun onto an airplane as reported on this NBC website. This guy Trotter made an easy mistake that I could have done myself. But to blatantly be in possession of a contraband item and have it videotaped is an insult to us law abiding citizens.

We do not need any more laws! We need to enforce the ones we already have!
I have read (I think at NRO) that he also sends his children to school with many armed security guards. It is the same school that Oboma's children attend. Clinton also spent millions of dollars to put cops in schools. There are cops in many schools now. I have also read (of coarse the MSM will not report) that the two guards at Columbine were not inside the building at the time of the shooting.
Re: Columbine, my understanding is that there was one LEO assigned ot the school. At the time of the attack, he was on his lunch break, parked across the street at a park in his vehicle (I don't know whether or not the vehicle was marked, or clearly visible to the shooters. Because it was the norm for the school to have a LEO on premises, the two shooters likely knew that, and may have timed their attack to coincide with his break.)

Again, according to my understanding, he did indeed respond to the attack, trading a few shots with one of the shooters, who then turned and re-entered the building. As was police procedure at that time, the deputy then held his position outside and called for backup and a SWAT response.

Those procedures, as most of us now know, have been changed to have the first-responding LEOs now "charge forth and engage", presumably in the hopes (backed by statistical outcomes) of either neutralizing the attacker, or inducing him to commit suicide.
As an aside on the D.C. gun laws limiting magazines to 10 rounds, it made me think about my most recent purchase, a Ruger sr40c. New in the box it comes with two magazines, the short one which holds 9 rounds and the longer one which holds 13 rounds. I guess if you bought this new gun in a D.C. gun store, the purchase would be legal but as soon as you took possession you could be arrested for having the larger capacity magazine.
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