KTVU on Assault weapons

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I give her credit for giving it a try, but the comments are distracting.

I'll be letting her know that while she is not embarrassing herself with the marksmanship she needs to spiffy up on the facts. Of course the mistakes may have just been a result of newbie at the range jitters.
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How can you get feet and miles per second confused? That's a huge difference. Incredibly accurate for a mile? Yeah... Once used in Iraq? Honestly, though, I've seen a lot worse, and I'm sure everyone has. I give the reporter props for demonizing it, at least. And she actually gave it a try. :)
How about the grin she had at the end. In my book, that makes up for getting her facts a *little* off.

Every time I see that look, I know another sole has been converted.
I bet she wants one now. I bet she is going to remember how she could have taken out a bad guy with a gun if she ever gets robbed. I found the errors you guys are talking about, but I don't see much ,if any, of an anti gun slant. If anything this article proves that the average citizen is capable of handling a gun just as well as a police officer. LOL I think she shot better than the cop after watching it again.
Oh well, she never shot a gun before and seems to have just approached this as an amateur rather than a professional (reporter). She should have taken notes because her memory deceived her. Still, she was a cute shooter.
Bunch of liberal misleading garbage

But yer right, she is cute

Sure like to move the 50 foot target out to a mile and let her have at it
3000 miles per second had me laughing too. It can cross the entire country in one second. But I will commend her for doing the report in San Fransisco of all places.

Goes to show that even the anti reporters can't shoot an AR without getting the grin.

you want us to pay for your date?:) She did have that "hey this is cool" look on her face didn't she.:)
HAHA, best thing heard all day, "3000 miles per second." That's definitely the tops in BS claims about 5.56. ;)

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