Last time a concealed carrier stopped an active shooter? Oooh, Tuesday

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Dec 13, 2012
This is an incredible story of a concealed carrier who stopped an active shooter and then did everything right following the shoot. A posterboy for the responsible gun owner.

We need to Like, Share, Tweet, Mail, Scream, and Tell everyone about this story because it shows what a single, prepared concealed carrier can do and how quickly an active shooter changes his plan when confronted with force.

Colonel Jeff Cooper said it best when he said the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
Well, I for one am glad he didn't decide just to be a good witness. Who knows how many still-alive people are only here because he stepped forward and DID something. It's much better to read a story like this than another "good witness" recounting just watching or running while a slaughter ensues.
It's easier to blame guns than to propose spending money on the mental health services needed in this country. Nothing will change until we start working on this.
Thanks for the link. I live in the area and hadn't heard this particular detail. Funny how the media has selective memory, when it comes to what they report. Perhaps "report" is the wrong word? Maybe "revel"...
As soon as we saw it on the news, the debate with my wife started again. She said people have no business taking matters in their own hands. I, yet once again, tried to explain to her; these people are cowards, usually their "training" consists of video games, it only stops when someone else with a gun shows up, more often than not they surrender or commit suicide when confronted, the "good guys" can be there NOW, the police may take awhile, (and of course) when seconds count...the police are only minutes away.
She thinks that as Christians, we should not engage in active self defense? I say, as a Christian, we have an obligation to preserve (innocent) life and protect ourselves and the weak. We are peaceable, not pacifist.
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