Latest Diebold Voting Machine problems....

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Nov 29, 2003
atl ga
While looking around through one of my daily websites, I found a few surprising links to issues with the electronic voting machines Diebold sells. (I believe our own Jim March is a resident expert on these)

First, understand that these machines are put forth as secure tools to count public voting activity.

The First Article:
"The normal procedure for installing software updates on the machines could not be trusted, because malicious code could cause that procedure to report success, without actually installing any updates."

The Second Article:
"...all it takes to get a Diebold machine to boot a modified, crooked operating system is the flip of a switch, a task that can be accomplished in a brief moment using nothing but a screwdriver."

The Most Recent Article:
"“Hotel Minibar” Keys Open Diebold Voting Machines"

Hey Jim - any ETA on when these guys might be reduced to selling pinball machines instead of bozo'd items of national security?
But...but, Bill, Cathy Cox (D-GA SoS) keeps telling us they are just fine, perfectly safe and accurate, not a problem.

Ya mean we can't trust politicians? :what:
I hope for the Diebold machines and electronic voting to bring in a new era of mass election corruption. Why?

Because people trust and believe in our current elections. It isn't the machines, the paper ballots is the system. Whether you like it or not, we do not have a REAL choice in elections.

American elections are a lot like the Iraqi elections. We get to choose between 2 pre-determined, or "approved" candidates. You'll never see a president win an election who is TRULY for small-government, truly pro-civil rights, truly capitalist etc...Despite the American people believing in a lot of these things. How can this be? Why is the will of the people not being reflected in their representative selections? Like in Iraq, the choices are all choices that are pro-US. They won't leave it to chance or the will of the Iraqi people to elect an anti-US leader. Doesn't work like that. The American people really believe they all fall into a generic, pro-government, pro-tyranny, pro-power 2-party system. Pick a side, they truly stand for the same general things with the exception of a few social issues.

If we truly had a choice, then explain to me why candidates do not exist with a realistic chance for victory that stand for what the American people believe in?

Therefore, it would be beneficial for this country that the system gets shaken up. Something severe. The more the system is undermined, the less people will trust it, the more they will act to change it. Right now, the worst thing in the world is a population that accepts the tyranny and drinks the government kool-aid by believing their 2-party election system is fair and democratic. The American people, who were politically active in the early day of this nation, have, due to government propaganda and pacification, become one of the most apathetic people on Earth. The people need something severe to wake them up.

It's like gun control. While crime and violence is not a good thing, the positive side-effect of law-enforcement's and government's impotence in handling the problem leads to people losing faith in the system, and thus taking responsiblity for themselves. Often with a more sympathetic view of gun ownership.

Diebold? Sounds good to me. Then again, I believe there's no reforming this nation - there's no going back on a lot of things, and the best way to fix things is to go straight forward right through to the inevitable, logical conclusion of all this madness. It's a natural process that is delayed by power-mongers and tyrants. Like Jefferson said, a little revolution now and then is a good thing.
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