Laugh at my gallery gun will ya?

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May 23, 2006
Brisneyland; Australia
I often get pitying looks for my 80+yo Remington model 12 at the range, never mind that it is a tack driver with open sights.
Well, with the drought in our part of the world the !@#$%^&* rats are moving into houses, driving me and the dogs nuts in the walls. My dogs got 2 earlier when I flushed them out but I knew there were more.
So I load up with ratshot and wait for the buggers.
Never used it on a live target before.
I could hear them nearby, finally I see one, he runs, all that skeet is finally usefull. He wasn't dead so I put a CB cap into him to finish him.
Soon after I got a second, little bugger was watching me. I wasn't sure how good the ratshot would be but it nailed em at close range (10-12').
Point is with my 80 yo old gallery gun I could get into the tight spots that the Ubeaut Tikas and Sakos etc bolt actions couldn't.
I try to hide it but I love my model 12 :)
I don't tink you would need a faloow up shot with a 10 gauge!

Seriosly, Good shooting. I had a friend that used a T/C contender in 44 mag with rubber bullets on mice cause the 22 shot loads were leaving marks in his kitchen cabinets.
Well it is only a .22- I didn't kill him first shot as I was shooting up onto a brick ledge and the bricks wore 1/2 the pellets.
The little #12 shot didn't make any holes but did leave splatter on some of the surfaces
<T/C contender in 44 mag with rubber bullets >

Now THAT sounds like an interesting load! What is it intended for? Where do you get rubber bullets? What powder charge do you use? What kind of ballistics do you get? Can't wait to try it in my Marlin 1894 and my Dan Wesson 6". :)

Vairochana, I sympathize. Last winter I never sat down to watch TV without an air pistol. Maybe Canadian mice are more intelligent, but they learned pretty quickly not to go in the open and to move fast if they do. But they always insisted on hanging around, just pissing one off.

Good luck with the war! I considered buying a ferret just to give me an edge, but after 3 generations totaling about 18 mice they stopped coming, but we had to continually alter tactics.
dam mice ones living behind my dishwasher as i type this. i'm gunna get that son bit*h sooner or later.:mad: :fire:
A cat would be good but I don't want the native birds/bandicoots taken and I would love a ferret but about 20years ago the Premier of Qld (state leader) declared that there were no longer rabbits in the State and therefore no need to own a ferret ROTFL (this is actually true).
the Premier of Qld (state leader) declared that there were no longer rabbits in the State

And so he was immediately committed to an institution and never bothered the public again.

Right? BTW there are nice live-catch traps if you are worried about preventing damage to marsupials. I used to use a couple in my chickenhouse.
Well no, Sir Joh was Premier for nearly 30 years here. He was voted out in 1988 but his succsessors (the Labor Party) still seem to think that ferrets shouldn't be allowed in Qld. They probably think they are a threat to wildlife-if they knew anything about them they would know that your domestic ferret can't survive in the wild.
Well, I live with wheat and corn fields behind me and I found the best medicine was to mouse proof my house to keep the nasty things out. While their trying to figure out how to get in (and can't) my Jack Russells are sneakin up behind them. Yuk!:eek: :eek: :eek: :)
Jack Russel Terrier

Well, I live with wheat and corn fields behind me and I found the best medicine was to mouse proof my house to keep the nasty things out. While their trying to figure out how to get in (and can't) my Jack Russells are sneakin up behind them. Yuk!

I know just what you mean. I have a JRT and nothing small lives (very long) around here. :)
Thanks for bringing back memories.

About 60 years ago my family was awakened by a rifle shot in the middle of the night. My brother had sat up half the night in order to shoot a mouse. He was in his bed and the mouse was in the pantry which was a good distance away. My Dad first congratulated him on his good shot and then chewed his tail off for putting a .22 cal bullet hole in the pantry floor. I hadn't thought about that for many, many years and now I'll be laughing for days thinking about it. :evil:
They probably think they are a threat to wildlife-if they knew anything about them they would know that your domestic ferret can't survive in the wild.

My neighbor in Las Vegas used to raise ferrets and one of his mated pairs somehow got loose, and made it though the dog gauntlet and out of the neigborhood. into the desert, and couldn't be found.

About a year later, through an entire winter summer and winter again, he's walking his new puppy and her come the two ferrets, along with several offspring, wanting to play with the dog. An hour later they were at the vets getting checked out. They had survived, and multiplied, and were nearly tick free (almost an impossibility in LV).I think your government might be right after all.
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