Laws on shooting ranges in the woods

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Dec 24, 2002
I need to find out what if any laws govern where and how one can shoot in a target type fashion. Does one have to be a certain distance from a house or the town?. I want to setup a target shooting range for .22s and sighting range for hunting in MA on my land. It is 60 acres of woods abutting state land. Only 3 or 4 houses within a mile.

I would setup in a benign direction with a berm or hillside. But I want to know about laws pertaining to noise, wildlife, and environment.

Remember this is for MA.
Since it's on your own property, odds are that your fish and game folks can help. Maybe the sheriff's office, but it's amazing how little they know beyond traffic and "regular" crime...

Sec. 53-203. Unlawful discharge of firearms. Any person who intentionally, negligently or carelessly discharges any firearm in such a manner as to be likely to cause bodily injury or death to persons or domestic animals, or the wanton destruction of property shall be fined not more than two hundred fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than three months or both.

Oops, that's CT.

For MA,


Chapter 269: Section 12E. Discharge of a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling or other building in use; exceptions.

Section 12E. Whoever discharges a firearm as defined in section one hundred and twenty-one of chapter one hundred and forty, a rifle or shotgun within five hundred feet of a dwelling or other building in use, except with the consent of the owner or legal occupant thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment in a jail or house of correction for not more than three months, or both. The provisions of this section shall not apply to (a) the lawful defense of life and property; (b) any law enforcement officer acting in the discharge of his duties; (c) persons using underground or indoor target or test ranges with the consent of the owner or legal occupant thereof; (d) persons using outdoor skeet, trap, target or test ranges with the consent of the owner or legal occupant of the land on which the range is established; (e) persons using shooting galleries, licensed and defined under the provisions of section fifty-six A of chapter one hundred and forty; and (f) the discharge of blank cartridges for theatrical, athletic, ceremonial, firing squad, or other purposes in accordance with section thirty-nine of chapter one hundred and forty-eight.


Chapter 140: Section 56A. Shooting galleries.

Section 56A. The licensing authorities of any city or town may grant and may suspend or revoke at pleasure a license to conduct a shooting gallery upon such terms and conditions as they deem proper. Before the granting of a license hereunder, the applicant for the license shall file with the clerk of such city or town, a bond running to the city or town, with sureties approved by the treasurer thereof, for such penal sum, not exceeding five thousand dollars, as the licensing authority granting the license shall determine to be necessary, such bond to be conditioned upon the payment of any loss, damage or injury resulting to persons or property by reason of the conduct of such shooting gallery. The term ""shooting gallery'', as used in this section, shall mean a public resort equipped with appliances for target shooting. Licenses issued hereunder shall expire on May first following the date of issue. The fee for each original license as well as each renewal thereof shall be established in a town by town meeting action and in a city by city council action, and in a town with no town meeting by town council action, by adoption of appropriate by-laws and ordinances to set such fees, but in no event shall any such fee be greater than twenty dollars, and five dollars for each renewal thereof. Whoever conducts a shooting gallery unless licensed hereunder shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars.
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