Laws would track [gun] offenders, ban paint that disguises guns as toy

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Dec 24, 2002
Looking for a cow that Queen Meadhbh stole
From Newsday,0,4349802.story?coll=ny-region-apnewyork

Laws would track offenders, ban paint that disguises guns as toy

Associated Press Writer

June 5, 2006, 2:05 PM EDT

NEW YORK -- Criminals convicted of gun crimes in New York City would have to register and update their addresses _ similar to sex offenders _ under a law proposed by city officials on Monday.

The gun registry act is one of several modest measures that Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to push through the City Council as part of his effort to crack down further on illegal firearms. The city and state already have tough gun laws on the books.

The registry would require offenders convicted of criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree to list their addresses and check in every six months, for four years after their convictions.

Bloomberg said hundreds of people are convicted of these offenses each year in New York City, and deserve heightened supervision "because as a group they are highly prone to committing repeat violent crimes."

The council also will seek to ban gun painting kits that are used to make real firearms look like toys.

Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said guns painted in playful fluorescent colors endanger police officers who must assess risk in a split second when they are faced with someone brandishing a weapon.

Kelly did acknowledge that no painted guns are believed to have been used in city crimes or recovered by law enforcement officials, but said they learned of the paint kits through advertisements in gun enthusiast magazines.

To illustrate the danger, Bloomberg waved two handguns above his podium at the City Hall news conference, one real and one fake, but both painted like toys.

"Just imagine the tragic consequences of this kind of sick deception," he said.

Gun control has become one of Bloomberg's top priorities in his second term. The Republican mayor lobbies for the cause on Capitol Hill, and has formed a coalition of his counterparts from dozens of U.S. cities to push for stricter federal and state anti-gun laws.

The National Rifle Assocation's chief lobbyist, Chris W. Cox, said a gun offender registry is unnecessary because the criminal record system essentially serves the purpose of tracking felons. And banning paint kits, Cox added, "is not going to bring down crime rates."
Sounds like brandishing to me...

"To illustrate the danger, Bloomberg waved two handguns above his podium at the City Hall news conference, one real and one fake, but both painted like toys."


The gun registry act is one of several modest measures that Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to push through the City Council as part of his effort to crack down further on illegal firearms.
Why did this AP "journalist" have to insert this editorial comment? Bias? :rolleyes:

but said they learned of the paint kits through advertisements in gun enthusiast magazines.
Show us the ads and let us judge for ourselves. Color me skeptical. :scrutiny:
. . . gun painting kits that are used to make real firearms look like toys.
I've never seen kits like this . . . the only things I've seen advertised are things like Gun Kote and various bluing kits, but none of these makes the firearm look anything like a toy since the colors are either black, range through the grays of parkerizing and into various shades of dark blue.
The retard from New Dork is going to ban orange paint? What about crayons and magic markers? :rolleyes:

new york never wanted to sign the Declaration of Independence in the first place. Their delegates abstained from the vote on whether to declare independence. Can we make the British take that cesspool back before it spreads?
I remember a few years back they had neon plastic kits for glocks that were rediculous and no one actually bought. maby they were looking at a back issue of something?

I never actually saw a 'paint kit' seems like that would be a verry bad idea, perhapse they are talking about the paint used to mark the guns as training aides (some places use old guns with welded firing pins and plugged breaches to train with realistic weight, or at least they used to)
I've never seen kits like this . . . the only things I've seen advertised are things like Gun Kote and various bluing kits, but none of these makes the firearm look anything like a toy since the colors are either black, range through the grays of parkerizing and into various shades of dark blue.

How about the purple Sig by Actions by T? Or the multi-colored STIs? The kits don't have to be orange from the media and politicos to claim they make guns look like toys.
Hell many of the $3000+ race guns made by STI and SVI and other high end 1911 manufacturers come in colors like red and blue and green and have all sorts of funky compensators, red dots, jet funnel magazines and more hanging off them. They all look like toys.

Maybe blooming idiot figures banning thousand dollar competition guns will cut crime. Sort of like how banning 5 foot long 30lb Barrett .50 BMG rifles in California really cut down on liquor store robberies. :rolleyes:
Michael "Bloomingidiot" Bloomberg will make us safer
by banning orange fluoresent paint before it gets used
in a crime. I feel safer already . . . . . . NOT!!

Carrie Nation . . . . demon rum.
Legion of Decency . . . . Lady Chatterly's Lover
Harry Anslinger . . . . Reefer Madness
Dr. Fredrick Wertham . . . . .Seduction of the Innocents (by comic books)
Edward D. Wood . . . . . The Sinister Urge (caused by girlie magazines)

God save us from our saviors!
They're going to ban all orange model paint, spraypaint, touchup paint, and craft paint? :scrutiny:

Yeah, good luck on that one...

Now they're making COLORS illegal!
Does this mean they're going to have to stop selling the yellow paint they stripe the roads with? That double-line will be hard to see in flat black. :)
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Makes sense in a twisted, circular sort of way - first they ban toys that look like guns, now they ban guns that "look like" toys. :rolleyes:

Hmm, maybe they saw a picture of the Barbie AR. :D
Why not just put a big wall around New York City...then hire Kurt Russel to rescue the handful of decent people there. :neener:
Don't you understand? If we outlaw all the bad things, no bad things will happen. Now, let's all gather up our paint and turn it in, but don't forget to wear your yellow star. :)
Actually, Bloomberg seems quite adept here. He makes two proposals, one nefarious and one silly, and everyone ignores the nefarious one while laughing at the silly one.

1) Ban paint?
Reaction: Silly law. Ha ha ha ha. Hee Hee Hee.

2) Treat those who run afoul of gun control laws like sex offenders?
Reaction: Silly paint law. Ha ha ha ha. Hee Hee Hee.
Actually, Bloomberg seems quite adept here. He makes two proposals, one nefarious and one silly, and everyone ignores the nefarious one while laughing at the silly one.

1) Ban paint?
Reaction: Silly law. Ha ha ha ha. Hee Hee Hee.

2) Treat those who run afoul of gun control laws like sex offenders?
Reaction: Silly paint law. Ha ha ha ha. Hee Hee Hee.

Dang, that's a really good point. :fire:
The more I think about the "sex offender" angle, the more insidious it becomes. Sex offender registries exist because society deems such people so far out of the civilized norm that they cannot be trusted -- ever, even after rehabilitation and treatment. This law would seek to make third-degree gun violations worthy of the same fear and contempt.

The guy who illegally carries a gun because he's afraid of being robbed becomes the same type of pariah as the sicko who fondles little boys.

Presto! Chango! Mala prohibita become mala in se of the worst sort.
The antis are the real gun nuts.

Kelly did acknowledge that no painted guns are believed
to have been used in city crimes

When Chicago Tribune columnist Joan Beck crowed about the passage of
the 1994 Assault Weapon Ban, she paused to point out that of 2,400
homicides in Chicago during the preceding three years, exactly three
were committed with "assault weapons" or 1 out of 800 or 0.125 percent.
That was when "assault weapons" were supposed to be ten percent of
the new gun market.

The antis pass laws against phantasies that they make up in their
hoplonophobic obsession with guns. The antis are the real gun nuts.

Treating firearms violators in New York City like sex offenders.
First, my impression of NYC is that being classed as a firearms violator
is usually not a violent offender, just someone who has run afoul of
their arcane laws on legal possession.
Second, has anyone noticed that there is a growing tendancy to
not put real criminals in prison, but to turn society as a whole into
one big prison, so the criminals can roam among the rest of us who
become just part of the prison population?
"The gun registry act is one of several modest measures that Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to push through the City Council as part of his effort to crack down further on illegal firearms."

Modest measure? Gun Registration? Excuse me? And how is it going to "crack down on illegal firearms" if it is illegal to have them? When did Bloomburg start on the Crack Pipe? Did the DC Mayor teach him how to get started on the crack pipe?

Outlawing PAINT???????????????
Too bad we can't paint Michael Bloomberg fluorescent orange instead. That way, normal law-abiding American citizens will know when a dangerous "toy" politician is coming down the street and can take adequate cover.
"The council also will seek to ban gun painting kits that are used to make real firearms look like toys."

Somebody call up Sherwin-Williams! Tell them to quit making paints in pink, or yellow, or...

Oh. Don't forget Grumbacher...

Let those guys put their lobbyists to work.

:), Art


From the headline, I thought this story would be about toy guns that look real... I know I am slow to catch up on the latest trends out here in Orygun Hicksville, but-- people painting their guns bright colors?...

"Back in 1999, the New York City Council passed a law requiring that toy guns be painted fluorescent to make them easily identifiable as toys. But now that real guns are colored with the same fluorescent paint, they look like toys.

As part of a larger piece of gun legislation, Bloomberg wants to ban the selling of gun coloration or paint kits to anyone in New York City's five boroughs."

Yes! Ban paint! Surely that will help, uh, something... somehow... won't it?

...And aside from all that, I did a coffee spit-take when I read this:

"...Already, one child is killed every three hours in the United States by gunfire, according to the Children's Defense Fund and National Center for Health Statistics."

Yow! Seems a little steep, I thought... Oh, wait they got that idea from here:

With "news stories" like the above, and "statistics" and "educational" material like that, it is no wonder that some people end up a little confused about gun issues... :confused:
Banning guns that aren't boring and black. What a clever way to help reduce interest in guns/shooting sports among kids and women. (Yeah, I'm stereotyping here. Too bad.)
Kelly did acknowledge that no painted guns are believed to have been used in city crimes or recovered by law enforcement officials, but said they learned of the paint kits through advertisements in gun enthusiast magazines.
I can't decide if this makes me want to laugh really hard, or cry even harder.
Hmm, maybe they saw a picture of the Barbie AR.
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