Leader of the Anti-USA Pack

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Feb 11, 2003
Focus on Freedom
This is who is really LEADING the Anti-USA Marches in the United States.
The following is taken directly from the Socialist Workers USA and the World Communist Party websites.
I ENCOURAGE you to read this - Look up these sites - Especially follow their links. Why? You will see that THESE are who are truely behind all of these ANTI-USA demonstrations world-wide. WHY doesn't the media, Hollywood, and the DNC disavow the communist/socialist connection?
Give me a break!

Dear Comrades, Fellow Workers and Citizens!

I need your help and input: Can anyone (or everyone) please point me to some good, authoritive URLs / sites that clearly and succinctly point to Big Oil's ugly hand in the coming War Against Iraq? I need some good sources to continue my several-fronted personal arguments (at work, school, church & on another listserv) against Gee Dubyah's plans. Of late (you may have noticed) the Bush Administration is working overtime to shatter the public's concern with this aspect of the War. Please help!


Here are some websites that have good information on them:
http://www.truthout.org/ -- Look for the articles by William Rivers Pitt, especially his interviews with Scott Ritter and his two-part series on the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). (Also, Will's book, "War Against Iraq", is a good resource.)

http://www.guardian.co.uk/ -- The UK Guardian is one of the best sources of news and information on the war. Much of what I'm hearing about the dirty tricks the U.S. is pulling on Iraq and other countries (e.g., bugging and wiretapping UN Security Council members) comes from these folks.

http://www.democraticunderground.com/ -- A liberal/left/progressive website and discussion board. You can get real-time information on politics in the U.S. and other countries, including info on the war situation, as well as discuss the points.

From these three sites, there are links to hundreds more. Enjoy!


Fascism after all is only a development of capitalism, and the mildest democracy, so-called, is liable to turn into Fascism when the pinch comes. I do not see how one can oppose Fascism except by working for the overthrow of capitalism, starting, of course, in one’s own country."

Socialist Party U.S.A. | Socialist Party of Michigan

..."Democratic centralism is the only structure of organization proven to advance the revolutionary cause. It is a structure of discipline that enables a revolutionary party to wage the most effective fight against the capitalist system."

Both, for now I do both. Plus it's not uncommom for members of the Left to be involved with more than one Leftist group at a time.

Dem/SP-USA/DSA wouldn't surprise me at all. Either way stick around!


http://sp-usa.org/ Socialist Party USA leads the following:
http://www.nyspc.net/home.html The National Youth and Student Peace Coalition
http://www.indymedia.org/ Independent Media

Focus on Freedom
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