Legal age for BP revolvers

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Jul 14, 2006
Somewhere, USA
Does anybody know the legal age for owning a Black powder Revolver in California or is there one? Another thing If you had a son How old would he have to be to for you to think about getting him a gun?
I can't answer the CA law question, but my son had a BB gun at a young age (six, I think), then I got him a .22 rifle when he was maybe 10. Now he's 18 and he has two rifles (.22) and a Hawkins .50 black powder. He has never fired a gun without me being present, but I'd trust him completely if he did.
Since I've always had guns around I trained him from a very young age. Once, when he was 3, he found a flare gun (unloaded) in the attic and ran down and told me about it (never touched it).
I'm given to believe that guns, blackpowder or modern cartridge firearms, are considered as firearms by Kaliphornistan. Thus, to own a "handgun" whether it is centerfire or blackpowder requires the individual to be 21 years of age.
Uh...Er... I live here in the Peoples Republik of California...But I don't have any kids so I do not know what the legal age for BP is here.
Smoking-Gun might be able to tell us.

Hey Smokin you readin'this Forum??
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