Legal to purchase a hangun at age 18 in Maryland?

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Mark Pearson

Apr 23, 2008
So, I've heard that in most states it's legal to buy a handgun from a non-ffl dealer at the age of 18. I need to know if this is true in the state of Maryland where I live. Also, it would be nice if someone could explain the process to me as a whole if it is legal to purchase a handgun at 18 in Maryland.

I'm new to this site, so I apologize in advance if there is some sort of search function or other means of finding this imformation more efficiently without wasting your time.
You cannot buy a handgun if you are under 21 in MD, face-to-face sales must have the state paperwork & background check done and the MSP will reject the paperwork if the buyer is under 21.

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+1. MD regulates hand guns and "assault" weapons. All of them have to have paperwork done through the state and MUST go through an FFL, hence no face-to-face in MD for those weapons. And as Kharn said MSP will reject a hand gun/assault weapon request for anyone under 21. I lived in MD up until about 2 years ago. From what I have heard from a friend who is a MD FFL they also now require a form that allows the MSP to look through any and all of your medical history in order to buy a gun.
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