Let's do more background checks! Yeah, that's the answer...

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Aug 1, 2008
Virginia Beach, VA
Enough is Enough! Our Leaders Must Act

Saturday's murder of three police officers by a killer wielding an assault rifle in Pittsburgh, following Friday's tragic shooting in Binghamton, New York that left 13 dead and four others injured are the latest in an epidemic of mass shootings in America. We have witnessed major shootings in senior centers, churches, high schools, colleges, and workplaces. Over and over Congress opts to do nothing while the body count continues to rise. What horrendous shooting will it take for our leaders to act or does Congress know no bounds to the bloodletting because it has been cowed by the gun lobby?

The Congress and the White House must act to protect our families and communities from gun violence. Our weak, nearly non-existent, gun laws at the national level contribute to this loss of innocent life. Enforcing those laws alone will not solve the problem. There is much more we can do. For example, we can pass common sense gun laws that require Brady criminal background checks on all gun sales, including those at gun shows; limit the bulk sale of guns that feed illegal gun trafficking; and keep military-style assault weapons with high capacity ammunition magazines off our streets.

Why do I get this feeling that the Brady Campaign gets some of the money from the 'cost' of a background check? This just seems like the only logical explanation to them always pushing for more background checks. It doesn't deter violence in any way because if you get your background check, AND THEN go postal, then the background check was meaningless, right? Or maybe they must think that a BACKground check can tell the future. Please enlighten me.

How about allowing people to arm and protect themselves in the places that all these shootings are taking place at, not just the buildings, statewide. Loosen up the gun control. Churches, high schools, colleges, etc.

Yes, lets get stricter gun control laws and be like New Zealand who only has 5 - 15 firearm murders a year, but has 25 - 30% more crime per capita than the US.
The Brady bunch is trying for that old standby. The "gun show loophole" is a lie, there is no loophole. Private party sales of firearms are legal, have always been legal, and should stay legal. IMHO, the Bradys are trying creeping incrementalism. They will try to push what appears on the surface to be the most reasonable solution, then once on the slippery slope, they drag us all down into the socialist hellhole they idealize.

Their basic line of attack is:
1. Ban private party sales
2. Increase the barriers to completing a government approved sale.
3. Eliminate private firearm ownership.
It doesn't deter violence in any way because if you get your background check, AND THEN go postal, then the background check was meaningless, right?

Oh, but don't you see, if the Bradys can push a law that makes a common medical ailment like depression a disqualifying flag on the NICS check, then they decrease the number of guns in circulation, never mind the fact that it would trample on the rights of millions of Americans, it might prevent something bad from happening.
Criminals don't get background checks. Even if all gun sales are regulated by background checks..... Criminals will still get guns through the black market and more than likely heavier stuff.

Gun laws only help organized crime. Why should we be surprised really. Obama-Khan comes from Illinois, the mob capitol.

Our government and world governments are growing in strength and we have to begin to wonder if the NWO conspiracy nuts had it right all along.
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