Let's start teaching children about firearms & protecting themselves in grade school!

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Mar 11, 2007
:what: Let's start teaching children about firearms and gun safety starting in grade school, and continue through 12th grade with some hands on! And let's make it mandatory. Afterall it's OUR Second Ammendment. I believe most antigun people are frightened because they don't understand and are uneducated about firearms. Later in their lives, they could then make intelligent choices about guns based on experience and facts. This would just be a small facet of teaching them how to take good care of and protect themselves. Everyone should be taught how to handle themselves if personally attacked. :evil: Children as well as adults deal with bullies! (Not everything in life can be talked out!) Let's teach some common sense about staying out of bad situations. Learn how to be acutely aware of your surroundings whether it's knowing where exits are or watching for someone exhibiting threatening behavior. This list could go on and on but you get the idea. As parents, educators and leaders we owe it to our young people to try to do a better job of teaching self defense. Even if we don't think so, they listen. I've probably opened a can of worms, but it might save their lives someday!
Can't do it - makes too much sense. Also, the fear of guns is gone once you realize how they work and how to use them safely. This is absolutely a no-no among the just-slightly-to-the-left-of-Daffy-Duck types that seem to overpopulate our pool of school teachers and administrators.
wet dream idea, but would be nice to see.

The thing is, this will never happen. Why, because the school systems primary purpose is for political indoctrination of children so that they do what the politicians want them to do the future.

Teach johnny or susy to agree with the politicians when they are young, and when they are voting age, they will vote for whatever the politicians want. Violence is a big no no in all ways and forms in schools, that means theyll be voting agianst self defense and voting for a UK style america.
In Pennsylvania, the local school boards control quite a bit of school policies. In every state, the elected officials have quite a bit of control over school policies.
The NRA has offered the Eddie Eagle program to anyone who is willing to listen

So, yes...it's time to teach our kids gun safety...not just anti-gun propaganda.

Don't say it cannot be done...as it can!
Can't do it??????

What do you ever mean that you can't do it? It is already being done. In Juneau, AK they are teaching 6th graders gun safety and are actually takeing the kids out to shoot .22's. I think it's a great idea. Especially here in AK where a great majority own guns. Now all we have to do is have all other schools and states follow suit.
This is great for Alaska, New Mexico and the Texas Panhandle now figure it in action in LA, NYC and Chicago. I do not think it would go well.
Mandatory? You have got to be joking.

Why do you want to pawn off on the school system what is your responsibility?

If the child doesn't learn these things from a parent, and doesn't have the lessons reinforced every day by a parent leading by example, then compulsory firearms education will be about as effective as compulsory sex ed, and about as controversial.
I saw a great thing at my local range last night. Tuesday is ladies night and I rarely go on Tuesdays but last night I did and there were 12-15 college girls being taught by a local police officer how to shoot a revolver and semi-auto. Maybe this is totally reactionary on their part but maybe they're getting the point that their safety is in their hands.
Marko Kloos wrote:
Why do you want to pawn off on the school system what is your responsibility?


Parenting begins at home.
This includes "parenting" from other family members, including but not limited to Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents...etc.
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