Letter From Congress(AWB)

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Jan 5, 2003
North GA
I wrote a letter to my congressman a couple of weeks ago. I received this letter from him today.

Congress of the United States
House of Representatives

Dear Doug,
Thank you for contacting me with your concerns about the "Assault Weapons Ban" and its proposed renewal. It was good to hear from you, and I appreciate the opportunity to respond.

I am opposed to reauthorization of this pointless ban. I consider it unnecessary for public safety, and a designed threat to our Constitutional right to bear arms under the second amendment.

As you know, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 included provisions which banned the transfer or sale of certain semiautomatic firearms and "high capacity" magazines. Intended to reduce the number of these guns used in crimes, this law has been largely ineffective.

There has been some confusion about what the "Assault Weapons Ban" targeted. Registration of fully automatic weapons, short barreled rifles, and silencers has been mandatory since the enactment of the National Firearms Act of 1934. All of the guns addressed by the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 are semiautomatic firearms which fire one round with each squeeze of a trigger. These weapons are no more powerful than their counterparts which are not characterized as assault weapons, and are used almost twenty times less frequently in murders than knives, clubs, and bare hands.

Through discussions with Congressional leadership, it is my understanding that no bills that would reauthorize or extend the ban on assault weapons will be brought to the floor of the House for a vote. We must anticipate, however, that some Members may attempt to propose
reauthorization of the ban through amendments to unrelated bills. Should any such amendment or bill come before me in the House, I intend to oppose them so that this ineffective ban will be allowed to expire.

Again, I want to thank you for sharing your views with me. Your input helps me to better serve you in the U.S. House of Representatives.


Max Burns (R-GA)[sic]
Member of Congress

Glad that the congressman is a reasonable man.

It's election time for every member of the house and one third of the senate(I think?) Need to research that. Our esteemed senators Zell Miller (D-GA)(not running for re-election, which is too bad) and Saxby Chambliss, (R-GA) are both in favor of a "beautiful sunset."

Let's keep the pressure on, folks.

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