Letter to pester DiFi and Friends

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Jul 30, 2003
Ft Belvoir, VA
I got nice and steamed at Senator Feinstein after the S659/1805 debacle, so I wrote this letter:

Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Senator Feinstein,

I’m writing you this letter to let you know that today I exercised my right, given to me as a human being by my Creator and protected as an American by the Second Amendment to the Constitution, to keep and bear arms. The Founders of this nation rightly believed that an armed citizenry is essential in maintaining freedom, both from outside invasion and from oppression at the hands of a tyrannical government at home.
History, just in the last century, has shown us what can happen when governments have a monopoly on the possession and use of arms. Just look at Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s USSR, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, and Kim’s North Korea. And yet you, in both words and deeds, have actively sought to deny this basic human right to the citizens of the United States.
When you took the oath of office as a Senator, you swore to uphold the Constitution which governs this great nation. Yet even after taking this oath, you propose laws which are blatantly anathema to the Constitution. Did you forget the oath you took, or does your sworn word mean nothing? Since you seem to be a smart person with a good memory, the only conclusion I can draw is that you have no honor and your word is worthless.
I thought of you when I purchased my lovely Swiss-made K-31 rifle and the ammunition to shoot from it. Rifles of this type, in the hands of 250,000 Swiss citizen soldiers, kept tiny Switzerland from invasion at the hands of Hitler’s Wehrmacht. As such, it will have a place of honor in my gun cabinet. But how much it must gall you that an ordinary American citizen can possess such an implement. It does bring joy to my heart to imagine it.
Your party claims to support the Second Amendment, but your true intent is revealed in statements such as yours, “Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them in.†And so I will continue to watch you and your comrades (and I use that word in the fullest, most Marxist-Leninist sense) closely, for vigilance in the price of liberty. When you say, Senator Feinstein, that I should “Turn them in,†I can only reply as Leonidas of Sparta did to Xerxes:


I also found this interesting site while looking up her address:
DiFi Watch .
I find it interesting that, aside from her views about guns, most of their objections seem to be that she's not Leftist/Progressive enough.

I plan to send similar letters to Schumer, Kennedy, and Lautenberg. And repeat the process every time I buy a new gun, or go to the range, or a gun show. I don't expect my letters to change anything with these Senators, it's just for the amusement value. And I'd love to see how disturbed they'd get if everyone on here sent similar letters. I'd imagine that'd be 5-10 a week, at least. Fun, fun fun.
While I like your letter very much, you can rest assured that not only will the Senator herself never see it, no one on her staff will read past the point where it mentions the Second Amendment. You will, however, get a form letter that outlines Feinstein's views on gun ownership, and will be politely told to go fly a kite.

I should be more constructive...

Instead of writing to Feinstein, which I consider a waste of time, energy, and postage, why not write a letter to the editor of your local paper? This letter conveys good thoughts. Pare it down to only a few sentences (hard, I know) and send it in. That way the message may make a few fence-sitters think about things for a change.

Writing anything to Di Fi is a total waste of time. I have met her on several occasions and attended meetings of the South of Market Association that she attended. She would come around to each person there and shake their hand. I always looked for a place to wash my hands as soon as I could.

Years ago when she made a big show of turning in her revolver, one of them that is, she placed the loaded S&W 2" revolver in the origina box and that went into a paper bag. On TV she was seen removing the box from the bag and the revolver from the box. She then showed properly how to unload the revolver and handed it over to the chief of police.

Now I ask you; who carries a loaded revolver in a box and a paper sack??? SF has only three permits iirc ad I believe one of those was issued to Di Fi. I personally do not go to SF unless I am packing. I worked in SF for 27 years and have seen to much BS there to go unarmed.

You will, however, get a form letter that outlines Feinstein's views on gun ownership, and will be politely told to go fly a kite.

No, you'll get the 'Gay Marriage' form letter or something...:rolleyes: :D
Like I said, I know it won't change DiFi's mind...but I figure I'll send it anyway. Just for the amusement value of any possible reply.

Letter to the editors of WA state papers (Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Spokane, Yakima) highlighting Patty Murray's votes are in the works. Murray's up for re-election, and gun control (and especially trying to ban hunting rifle ammo) doesn't play outside the I-5 corridor.
I'm still working on mine. I get side tracked really easy down various avenues so I've written and deleted a few pages by now I guess.

I haven't proof read the following, and it's not as coherent as I'd like, but I'd like to know what you all think.

Who knows, maybe it'll inspire somebody. :)

FWI. I'm thinking about taking some of the 'templates' provided in other forums on various issues and just making a webpage out of them that'll auto-generate PDFs for people w/ their own name and address and what have you. I'm getting handy with LaTeX and such so it would be pretty easy to make nice looking PDFs on the fly.


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Instead of writing to these creatures, why don't you write to your party leaders whether Democrat or Republican. Or write to your favorite hunting rag about Kennedy's atrocious "amour-piercing" amendment.

BTW I wonder if Sarah Brady realizes that the 30-06 she bought her son is an amour-piercing cop killer?
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