Letterman Wades in on the 2A Debate

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Jan 16, 2013
I generally watch the Letterman monolog and then punch out because I don't find his show all that entertaining.... but since the gun bill got voted down, he has been doing the same bit every night right after the monolog:

he calls it something like "Fool of the night" and he shows the face of some senator who voted against the gun control bill. He always says something like:

"Despite the fact 88% of Americans wanted it, senator XXX voted against gun control... blah, blah, blah."

It's kind of boring, but he seems intent on doing this every night until he lists off everybody who voted against it.

I thought they had to air opposing views if they were doing something that overtly political?
The networks build their anti gun bias into programs all the time. No surprise They are not news and intertainment - they are mainly propaganda machines - period.
New York slant vs. New York slant

Fallon seems to be cut from the same bolt of cloth as Letterman.

In the last bit of election pandering, when a female conservative candidate was being introduced, Fallon's House Band played 'Lyin' Ass Bitch' as her intro music.

There are subtle, and not so subtle, messages out there. Fallon got called out on the tune choice of his band and appeared on Brian Williams. There, Fallon offered an apology and said that it wasn't intentional. We'll see.

I suspect that he didn't inhale either.

I thought they had to air opposing views if they were doing something that overtly political?
Not for YEARS.

That's why the "fairness doctrine" is and will remain a dead letter.

Every episode of "Law & Order, Vice and Virtue Patrol" or "NCIS Ulan Bator" would be fifty minutes of gun control propaganda and fifty minutes of rebuttal by the NRA, GOA, JPFO, etc.
I thought they had to air opposing views if they were doing something that overtly political?

Its enetertainment...don't like it, change the channel. We have options in this county. The idea of the so-called "fairness doctrine" was abolished in 1987, and all remnants of it scrubbed from the FCC in 2011. Even if it were still in place, it would have no effect whatsoever on this sort of thing. There is also the "equal time rule" but that only states that U.S. radio and television broadcast stations must provide an equivalent opportunity to any opposing political candidates who request it. This means, for example, that if a station gives one free minute to a candidate on the prime time, it must do the same for another candidate, and there are exceptions to that rule as well.
ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, and Comcast are very anti-gun, and very liberal Democrat in their spin. Subtle and not so subtle brainwashing is taking place at all of these media outlets. TURN IT OFF.
We watch SVU all the time. If you look, you will see anti-NRA signs in the police station and moronic references. The other night, the "perp" purchased fully automatic weapons at a NY gun show.
I stopped watching Letterman due to unfunny bias a long time ago

but the Main Stream Media centered in NYC and LA (Hollywood) have been unquestioningly majority pro gun control, anti gun owner, anti hunting, anti self defense, as long as can I remember. When they weren't exploiting fictional gun violence for profit, they have trashed civilian gun ownership for generations.

Alert me if the MSM ever show fairness or balance. Letterman is just more of the usual.
Entertainers should stick to entertaining and stay out of the political arena. It's one thing to speak their minds when asked, regardless of their leanings. To use their celebrity status in an attempt to sway the electoral process...and that's exactly what Letterman is doing...is over the top. We get quite enough campaigning and mud-slinging during election years as it is.
"Entertainers should stick to entertaining and stay out of the political arena."

True. But Letterman isn't entertaining, so he has to talk about politics.
I don't watch much TV either. OK, one show in the evening that my wife likes, "Two and a Half Men". That's it. Maybe some documentary or two. Even Two and a Half Men have scripts written for adolescents, so I wade through it with a forced grimace, so my wife thinks I'm smiling.

Commercial TV (especially early evening budget sitcoms) just isn't funny. Too much worshiping icons of American stupidity.

So...what liberal slanted TV shows have to say don't bother me, they aren't a blip on my radar. Don't watch the effluent!

We're guilty of the VUDU/Netflix thing, however. At least we get to pick what movies we watch, and VUDU sounds so good in 7.1 surround, it's incredible.

I'd trash Cox altogether, but have the bottom tier only so we have internet and phone service too. I'd love to find a cheaper alternative, but the intro specials with sats turn into a a royal shaft when they run out. No fiber out here so AT&T is out.
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Once or twice I watched a few minutes of "Letterman"... once I noted that most of his stuff was built around "I'm smart -you're not" I never watched again.

The disturbing part for me isn't Letterman or any of his clones it's guys like Bill Mah.... Not his rants or his opinions, which are pretty offensive, to this retired cop and VN vet..... but the fact that he obviously has a following since HBO wouldn't carry him otherwise. Far too many in this country have the kind of ideas and standards that brought us our current administration.... That's the part I find most troubling.
"Despite the fact 88% of Americans wanted it, senator XXX voted against gun control... blah, blah, blah."

In the early 1860's the majority of Americans were in favor of slavery. Even Northern states which abolished it, benefited greatly from it by getting cheap cotton from the south.

It took some brave Senators at that time to do the right thing and vote against the will of the people. The same thing happened last month.
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