Liberia? Go or not?

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No. There is no national interest to do so either now nor in the (foreseeable) future. If the UN wishes to (and can find reliable) send in troops drawn from local countries who have a reason to want stability then fine. However just because we sent some slaves back 150 years ago doesn't create eternal indebtedness.

it seems to me that if bush really believes the un to be irrelevant, then why is he so intent on enforcing their sanctions?

i don't see anything in the constitution that allows us to enforce the sanctions of anyone. it's unconstitutional as hell and that should be the only analysis needed.

bush is way too focused on securing other countries while leaving our borders wide open so his hispanic pals from mexico and everywhere else can sneak in. couple that with his proposal of amnesty for illegals as well as proposing SS bennies for all should tell us something.

bush has a constitutional responsibility to defend this country and he's failed miserably. with himself and his daddy involved with bin laden's family one should really wonder.

couple all this with the lies about iraq and i say we should keep our noses out of it and deal with the unconstitutional government we have here first.
I say go, but dont pull a Mogadishu: take an AC-130 or two along in case anything goes wrong (leave them sitting in hangers loaded for bear, the ordies wont like that, but the Marines on the ground will love the firepower that can get on-station within a few minutes). A few Cobras loaded with 2.75" Zuni rockets sitting on the ramp and a few LAV-25s in every convoy would also be helpful.

Screw not looking too aggressive (why Clinton refused to allow armor and heavy air support in Mogadishu), anything starts to go wrong and level the town for as far in every direction that it takes to stop the fighting and save American lives.

Bush should go in, riding on a white horse, followed by The Black

If Bush is stupid enough to get us involved in a war in Liberia,
or anywhere in Africa, he's unqualfied to be President. I agree
with the previous post that suggests Bush needs to focus on
getting our own borders under control. Frankly, he is looking
more and more like someone with an addiction problem--he likes to
call it "compassion;" some of us would chose other terms.

1. Bad move militarily (overextended already) and politically (UN and EU whined about our "imperialistic war-mongering", then lost their concessionary/punitive business contracts in Iraq. Oops. Let them take their superior morality on the road and find out just how much fun it is being the world's cop)

2. No longer our responsibility. Their country was set up for persons who wanted to leave ours. Remember? (Yes, I know it's a gross oversimplification, but what more do you want for free?)

Anyone heard of the work of fiction entitled "The Mouse That Roared"? Seems a small, backwater country was in dire straights, learned from their history books that every place that we kicked *ss in got rebuilt with a resulting higher standard of living and infrastructure. Marshall Plan, etc.
Sound familiar?

On a more positive note, If I recall correctly, UN Sec Gen Anan told a recent summit of African leaders that the only real progress could come when they clean up their own back yards. He should hang out with W more often.
Anyone here who was for the Iraq war but against Liberia is obviously lying and a hypocrite too.

We all know that people who were for the most recent war are just war-mongering, blood-thirsty, line-towing, blind Bush worshippers.
Tennessee residents prefer BetaC and drum mags, easier on the thumbs to load. :neener:

The US should only provide logistics support to a force composed of:

--Jesse Jackson and his fellow-shakedown artists
--Congressional Black Caucus
--Any number of Democrats who complained the loudest
--UN "peace" keepers.
--Any media outlet with video cameras

Somolia was caused by TV cameras and American grunts paid the price for nothing.

Bill Clinton was able to look at unbelievable butchery in Rowanda where 400,000 people were slaughtered and did nothing. Surely Bush can do nothing also.

Silly me! Bush is compassionate conservative (AKA compassionate chump).

As it stands at the moment I'd say we need to keep out of it. We've got our troops in too many places taking care of other peoples problems.

My take is to let Kofi Annon strap on some gun-leather and lead a contingent of French troops into Liberia and do some "peacekeeping"

Most likely outcome: A replay of Dien Bien Phu

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