Light Hearted Tactics Thread

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May 16, 2008
Maryland...A Brady Bill Top 5 State /puke


No I'm sorta kidding. My friend and I have this grand fantasy about the end of the world being zombie related...or at the very least if it's something else we'll probably be prepared if we've prepped for Zs. I figure anything "Jericho"/EOTWAWKI will probably result in people being forced to fend for themselves for 2-3 years before some type of "government" is re-established and another 3-5 years as that government sorts itself out, establishes some legitimacy and can be reasonably expected to provide a level of service similar to that of 130 years ago.

Mind you this is in the pipe dream stage...we've decided that owning 500-700 acres would be prudent. Preferably on a small river and near if not backing to a large state park. Several miles from the nearest town, and more miles than that from the nearest highway. Outfitting it with the means to supply its own electricity through wind/solar and diesel. We've also decided to rig everythign to run off vegetable oil as that's something we could grow ourselves.

We've figured out most of the food, the layouts, the back up plans, food storage and preperation, fuel, transportation (basically NEVER leaving), basic medical supplies and service (I mean you're gonna die if you get appendicitis), but we've kind hit a wall as far as defensive tactics and weaponry go.

We're peaceful fellas but I don't want some marauding band of thugs to see a field of crops with a house at the center and try to take it for their own. I imagine there'd be no more than a dozen of us and I'm trying to think of weapons that would be useful from 500 yards to point blank. Not a one gun fits all, one gun per range bracket for lack of better words. They would have to be reliable, easily operated by gun newbs, inexpensive-moderately expensive (I know having an M82 would take the fight out just about anyone but I don't have 100k to spend on ten guns...even in fantasyville), and serve their purpose.

I'm thinking:
Distance- I'd like 1-2MOA in 7.62x39
Intermediate/standoff- SKS in 7.62x39
CQ- 12 and 20 gauge shotguns, 9mm and .45

I'd also get many .22lrs as they're great for plinking/teaching/hunting and what other gun can you pick up 30k rounds for $700?

I know those calibers are a good starting place...but what other calibers would I be wise to pick up guns for? Assuming there'd be a lot of trading/bartering and scavaging, I should probably have a handful of .40s and .223/5.56 (also is it .223 can be used in 5.56 but not vice versa?).

All input is welcome and I'll consider almost everything you want to say about any of this that I've layed out in mind. Though in hindsight if it's zombies I'm worried about I would like a MOA or less rifle in 7.62x39 :evil:
Zombies really piss me off. I've seen some before. They scare my wife, they're unkempt, the womens' makeup is all fouled up, the men just have blank stares, like dolts, they won't do their chores -- I don't think we should put up with them for a single minute. :banghead:

Don't share with them, because they really do not appreciate the generosity. If they try to take your stuff, just hit them with a brick or something.

If you don't have a brick, a .40 to the kneecap (it's fun to watch them squirm because its the only work they'll ever do) might be entertaining. If they still want your stuff, one to the head or a Molotav cocktail in the pants might discourage them.
For rifles, I'd be looking for old 03 Springfields, or M1Garands. Deadly accurate; can be used at up to 1000 yards with iron sights and practice; commonly available ammo and proven stopping power.
The thing to remember with zombies, is that it's a head shot, or a limb removal to have any effect at all. So I'm thinking for distance work you want to skip the FA's in favor of a rifle thats as accurate as possible over range. For up close work the shotty filled with slugs is your bestest buddy.
I have spent too long talking this over with friends. The Zombocalypse is inevitable ;). We worked out that we'd make our way to a certain friend's cattle farm. A stream runs through the farm to a nearby dam which actually supplies a certain city with drinking water. The house at the farm is built around an old explosives bunker, now a walk in firearms safe. Basically, we'd have a ready and continuous supply of water and beef, some milk, about a year's worth of grain and plenty of ammunition for many different rifles. There's a general store nearby that we would empty of seeds and get some vegetable crops going.

The fences around and dividing the property are mostly sufficient to stop a zombie. There's also a secondary fence around the house itself. Basically, easy to defend.

On the way to the farm, we'd pass a barracks, mainly populated by reservists. We figured that there would be a small chance we'd be able to light finger an ASLAV, maybe some other gear.

I could probably put a couple of thousand words together about our plans...
And my wife thinks my fantasies are expensive!!!

Still, when you get your 700 acres, give us a shout. We'd be glad to come over with some ammo and "practice for the zombies". Afterwards I'm sure we could kill some beer by a bonfire and discuss "tactics".

I mean, you can't be too prepared for zombies and all. Plus, what if you get a werewolf or two thrown into the mix? Hand-cast silver bullets definitely need some consideration (would you moly-coat those?).

Get some training in Zombie CQB.

A properly outfitted 5.56 mm carbine is a nice thing to have to engage Zombies at 200 yards and under (we're talking headshots, right?).

Also, you'll need Level 69 Zombie armor that protects you from those pesky bites that could turn YOU into a zombie.

If you have appendicitis, throw that appendix in the freezer, it'll come in handy as a diversion if you need to make a quick escape from the area.
So I have about a square mile of property and need to come up with strategy for keeping safe from zombies.

Typical farm/ranch country with ditches, farm/ranch roads, little ponds, clumps of trees, structures such as barns and the like.

Dawgs, I want dawgs.

Bulls would be great for keeping trouble away.
Goats and Sheep too, and there is a breed of dawg that resembles sheep, that keeps sheep safe, that is meaner than all get out.

Emus, would be a deterrent as well.

Hopefully some of my "food sources" such as bulls, emus, sheep, goats... would assist in "preventing trouble" and act like a signal for "trouble is showing up".
Not to mention the typical deterrents such as poison ivy/oak snakes, insects and the like.

Piranna's in a farm pond or creek would be neat, then again I don't want my critters falling prey to this serious deterrent.

I have fences, gates, critters, agriculture and other things that are doing some the work of keeping me safe...

Which is great, as I need to protect my stash of magnesium fire starters, flints for lighters, wicks for lamps, mantles for lanterns , and the like I use for barter.

Oh phooey!
I will have to get back with folks on guns, knives and all.
I have to rebuild another oil lamp with some of the spare parts I have hoarded up.

Got a fella coming over wanting a chicken and a oil lamp.

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