List of Co-Sponsors for Feinstein's Gun-Grabathon

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Nothing new yet, wonder when the next step happens? I'd say they will drag this on for as long as possible, I'm ready for everything to go back to normal, tired of seeing the (back ordered) status, ESP the no back orders allowed.
If your Senator isn't already a co-sponsor, it is imperative that you contact them to voice your disapproval of this idiotic law.

This goes doubly for Senators who are Democrats. Right now there's probably a lot of back-alley arm-twisting going on in DC to shove this through. Democrat senators from purple states need to be strongly reminded of who they really work for.
Thanks for the link, Justin. I am currently in the process of sending (previously drafted) letters to all of the bill's co-sponsors.

One thing I found interesting at the link above was this

10% chance of getting past committee.
% chance of being enacted.

If this prediction was arrived at through valid means, this certainly bodes well for us.
10% chance of getting past committee.
% chance of being enacted.

If this prediction was arrived at through valid means, this certainly bodes well for us.

that's in its current form. but nobody expects it to pass in its current form. Lets see what happens when they have negotiated a little and backed off from being extremely unreasonable, to just being plain unreasonable.
All antigun havens telling me that because their voters are antigun, I have to be disarmed... The folly of democracy...
I'm very disapointed that Sen. J Rockefeller is a co-sponser... Just called his office and expressed my disapointment.

Thank you for posting the link and bringing this to our attention.
I wrote both my senators, to no avail...
I have always found visiting their offices and asking for an appointment gets thier attention. I don't get the appointment (without a good reason) but they certainly remember my visit and why.
Just sent a letter to senator Carl levin. D-mi. He is a co sponsor for the Feinstein bill. Told him I will do everything in my ability to talk to friends and neighbors on getting him voted out of office. Come on Michigan let's de-levin the senate already! We can do it! Hey I got it! "Let's get levin leavin".
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I'm very disapointed that Sen. J Rockefeller is a co-sponser... Just called his office and expressed my disapointment.

Thank you for posting the link and bringing this to our attention.
I am not very surprised in this, considering he came out and said he was not running for re election in 2014 he really doesn't have any thing to lose
hrmm.....well that might explain why one of my senators never wrote me back..........
I see that Durbin is one of them. I'm stunned. He probably fell all over himself racing to sign on.

Another one of those limousine liberals with 24/7 bodyguards that doesn't want anybody else to have protection.

Creatures like him are telling us that our families do not matter at all. But their families are very important. And they keep getting elected, year after year, decade after decade.
On the 'Ban Dianne Feinstein' Facebook page there is a link to an article that is interesting. Apparantly dear dianne didn't like the proceedings yesterday - so she is going to proceed with her own hearings.

I really don't like that woman
20 cosponsors (20D) (show)

Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT]

Boxer, Barbara [D-CA]

Cardin, Benjamin [D-MD]

Carper, Thomas [D-DE]

Durbin, Richard [D-IL]

Gillibrand, Kirsten [D-NY]

Lautenberg, Frank [D-NJ]

Levin, Carl [D-MI]

Menéndez, Robert “Bob” [D-NJ]

Mikulski, Barbara [D-MD]

Murphy, Christopher [D-CT]

Reed, John “Jack” [D-RI]

Rockefeller, John “Jay” [D-WV]

Schatz, Brian [D-HI]

Schumer, Charles [D-NY]

Warren, Elizabeth [D-MA]

Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI]

Franken, Al [D-MN]

(joined Jan 29, 2013)

Hirono, Mazie [D-HI]

(joined Jan 29, 2013)

Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN]

(joined Jan 29, 2013)
Glad to see no Alaskans on the list of sponsors... That would be embarrassing.

But, I will write my rep's ... again ... just in case either the (D) or the RINO is considering agreeing to a "compromise".
I'm embarrassed for MN right now. I shouldn't be surprised though. You guys should see the draconian laws they will try to pass in this state that will try to make us the next New York.

These politicians seem to enjoy wanting to strip the rights of law abiding citizens... Not only am I disappointed but truly disgusted....
my Senator is Feinstein, and Boxer who is also on the list. A Republican [with Libertarian leanings] here in California has about as much representation as Blue Dog Democrats do elsewhere.
Further Info

The above site is the legislative branch's own communication, public opinion, and information tool linked from the page Justin posted. There's a list of organizations for and against, and utilities to voice your opinion on the issue.
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