Local to me… what would you do? Road rage.

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Feb 1, 2014
Western Kentucky

I don’t know the details of this particular event but around here there is a fairly high gang presence and a bunch of chip on their shoulder jerks looking for a fight. The military presence seems to add a bit of flair too. So with that basic description… and the little that’s in the article let’s set this up. You accidentally do a jerk thing in traffic and end up being shot at. How do you respond? Are you are even able to respond? Can you get your carry gun out while sitting in the drivers seat should you feel the need to do so? Seems silly but it’s the world we live in.
I spent the entire 1990's in Clark's Vegas (5th Special Forces Group). I don't recall anything like this when I was there- DUI's and the occasional bar brawl being the most exciting things I ever saw, with the occasional crazy killing among people who knew each other and something getting out of hand. I guess the generic answer for being shot at is shoot back, and try to evade in a vehicle. It definitely proves my point of why I think pocket carry is tactically an awful option.
I had an incident a while back. I pulled up to a red light and was intending to make a right turn. Traffic was clear and the light had just turned green as I started my turn. But a driver on the opposite side of the intersection came across the street blowing his horn and shouting obcenitys like he had the right of way so I pulled to the curb and prepared to confront him but he drove on by and I followed him for a short distance.
So I went back to the intersection thinking that he might have had a left turn arrow. But when I got there I discovered that he only had an ordinary traffic light with no left turn light. I can only surmise that he must have been on drugs or something, but I'm glad he kept on going or It might have gotten much worse.
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