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Locking up US citizens without a trial or lawyer...

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check your usage of quotation marks. It's very annoying to read.

Also, if your syntax is German, I'll eat my Molon labe hat. Your personality seems a bit artificial. Wanna join the debate like an adult?
Meine Mutter sprechen Deutsches und isländischen. Fangen Sie an Zu essen!

I believe this is "Ad Hominum" called. Welcome to My "Ignore" list.
Switch your Internet translator, buddy...or use your native tongue, which is definitely not German.

Dein Deutsch ist viel zu lausig, um zu Hause gelernt zu sein. Deine Satzstellung ist verkehrt.
Say I got an idea since we are all infidels and the Muslims have sworn to convert us or kills us lets send them all back...
We through are history have stopped certain people from coming here and sent certain people back citizen or not if thought to be a threat.
Lemme get this straight, lostone. You are advocating that the government round up all Muslims in the US and deport them to...somewhere. That about the size of it?

If so, well, I think that you may have failed to consider the logistics of your proposal. Between the costs of tracking all the Muslims down, detention costs, transportation... you're talking about a lot of money. Wouldn't it be more economical to skip deportation and proceed straight to summary executions? After all, they are the enemy, right? Jeez, you could start up a dozen or so extermination camps and have a 'final solution' to the 'Muslim question' within a few years, tops!

The thing is you are the infidel. Like it or not you are their enemy.
The International Muslim Conspiricy is going to be some kinda pissed at my hairdresser, Sonja. She's an Iranian-born Muslim. Just yesterday she had a real sharp pair of scissors not an inch from my head, but she failed to plunge them into my jugular. I hope that the IMC doesn't punish her too badly for failing to kill one of the enemy - she does a hell of a haircut...

Guess what they are the enemy.
I'm getting a pretty good idea of who my enemy is...

- Chris
Everyone who has posted to this thread would do well to study a lot more history.

None other than Abraham Lincoln imprisoned US citizens without filing charges and not allowing them to see lawyers.

None other than Abraham Lincoln shut down newspapers who were not supporting the US war effort, thus effectively gutting the First Amendment in time of a national crisis called "The Civil War."

If you think what's going on today during the "War on Terror" is extreme, you should do some historical reading about what it really looks like when the government infringes rights on a broad scale.

I would agree in part really Stalin killed more of his own people then Hitler killed in the camps. To me someone who pledges to convert me or kill me is the enemy It makes no difference if in this country or not. I'm sure most would agree a hundred years ago or more if a group was saying they would convert us or kill us their is no question we would send them back to the mid east. As far as Iraq i'd do like Goldwater said he would do in VietNam. Bomb them back to the stoneage. After that I would man are borders with the military.
Your right hillbilly. Lincon also sent 20K blacks back. How many know in this country at one time you had to own property to vote?
I cant help it! Whenever I read niemands postings I cant help but hear Yoda!

Hmmm, on ignore list you will be, Hmmm, strong in you is the dark side.

See your from Maryland close to NY thinking. What you bet before the plane hit the twin towers 90% in their were liberal then what you bet before they fell 90% were ultraconservative? Oh yes I to know who the enemy is
The sophomoric chest-thumping by Internet warriors in this thread is making me physically ill.

Hey, hotshot: if you want to see Muslims dead, go join the Marines and go to Iraq. Do not, I repeat, do not, abuse the hospitality of the guy who runs the very hardware on which this board runs by calling to deport or kill him just because he is a Muslim. You just made clear you consider him your enemy, so maybe you shouldn't be hanging out here on his dime, huh?

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