Looking for a class near St. Louis

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May 5, 2013
Until this point, I've been more interested in purchasing, shooting, and reloading, but it's time that I took a training course. I've been shooting for about seven years now and do well enough shooting at paper at 25 yards, but I'd like to take a class to expand my skill set.

Does anyone have experience with or recommendations for a handgun class in or around St. Louis? Thanks in advance for any feedback.
Check around Town & Country. Back when I was on of what the NRA's called "Jackbooted Thugs", my manager took a class out there.
Friends of mine go to classes at Asymmetric. I'lllsee about getting some feedback. Hang on for a day.
Until this point, I've been more interested in purchasing, shooting, and reloading, but it's time that I took a training course. I've been shooting for about seven years now and do well enough shooting at paper at 25 yards, but I'd like to take a class to expand my skill set.

Does anyone have experience with or recommendations for a handgun class in or around St. Louis? Thanks in advance for any feedback.
If what you are interested in is being able to protect yourself, you are correct in believing that you should expand your skill set beyond shooting at paper targets at a set distance. An attacker is apt to appear without notice from any direction at any issuance, moving at speed.

I attended Combat Focus Shooting (I.C.E. PDN) when it was conducted near here a few years ago. The neighbor with whom I attended it has given his son classes at Asymmetric. They are enthused about it.

There are a number of tactical handgun classes. One starts with drawing from a holster and shooting--that's essential. Later courses include movement. He told me some time ago about a force-on-force session with simunitions and role playing, etc. that sounded great to me--an encounter by the car, good and bad folks, unseen accomplices, included the evaluation of justification, etc.

I should call them and ask.
Thanks, Kleanbore. It looks like Asymmetric has a couple of handgun courses. I definitely could use some lessons on drawing from a holster. Shooting and moving would be good in the future. I'll look into them further.
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