Looking for a good stun gun...

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Jun 13, 2005
...for my girlfriend to carry on the train with her. It'll go in her purse, so doesn't have to be super-small.

I don't know much about the best voltage. Is there a reason not to get the highest voltage I can find?

Roughly, how do they perform in terms of how long you can continuously shock, what kind of wait time in between shocks, the realistic effect on the average person, etc? Also, if someone has a hold of her while she's shocking them, will it get her, too?

Thank you for your responses. Anything else anyone would like to add would be much appreciated.
Check your local laws. Here in Indiana, you have to have a handgun carry permit to carry a taser, and possibly for a stun gun also.

I'd suggest a taser if it's affordable, as she can use it from a distance, as opposed to the stun gun actually having to physically touch the attacker up close.
Tasers work, but they're expensive. And illegal in Annapolis, Baltimore, and Baltimore County.


The other "stun-guns" are useless junk. Worse than useless, actually, because you may think you have something you can use for self-defense.
There seem to be a wide variety all the way up to over 900,000 volts. You feel none of them are effective?

What about everyone else? Surely, someone has some experience with them.
Well, I dont think there are too many people out there that will be able to absorb the shock and not drop on his butt. But there have been occassions when cops tased BG's and didn't do anything to them....

Hmm I think they have 2 shot tasers if i'm not mistaken.

And no, it won't shock her if they are holding her. I've seen demostrations when there were people holding the guy that was going to get tased.

Stun-guns are garbage. The only ones that work are the big long baton style stun guns.

Would you consider a mase? They work great and are quite cheap. There are alot of bums, squegies and perverts in Montreal, so I bought my girl one. She carries it in her purse but has it in her hand (she semi conceals it by having her hand abit into her purse) at night on solitary areas.
(Long story short...)
I've been on the receiving end of a "stun gun".
Felt like a bee sting.
Proceeded to dump 17 rounds into a target.

And applied incorrectly, it can still kill someone.

Too unreliable, and too likely to merely give the guy a reason to kick your butt.
I shouldn't tell anyone this but...

a college a friend of mine had one. After a few drinks it became good sport to sneak-up on one another with said stun-gun and "zap" them. As long as you were zapping sombody (or getting zapped) you were safe (or useless if being zapped).

But once you stopped zapping someone (i.e. holding the stunner against the person and holding down the trigger) you had to run like hell to escape a pretty good beating. Never seemed to really take the starch out of anyone.

Again I know it was stupid.
I know a guy who bragged that stun guns don't do anything and don't hurt. He was paid cash to allow someone to use a 100,000 volt one on him. He was incapacitated, did not enjoy it, and wouldn't allow himself to be used as a guinea pig again after the first time. And he was a fairly big guy.

I don't believe they are useless at all.

For the folks who had them used on them and claimed they didn't work: How long were you zapped? One second barely does anything. 5 seconds or more is supposed to incapicate.
My advice is to regard them like parachutes.

Don't buy a cheap one, because if it doesn't work right when you need it to, you won't get a second chance.

Get the best one you can afford. Get a made-in-China fleamarket piece of junk, and you'll just make the BG mad.

If you want to find decent brands, look in an catalog for a company that depends on its reputation among professional LEOs and military to survive, like American Cavalry, write down the brands, and look for better deals on those.
Upshot from multiple anecdotes:
Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.
If yours doesn't work in your particular situation, you'd better be ready to deal with someone in arm's reach who now feels they have a dang good reason to beat the stuffing out of you.
I have a 100,000 volt no name one and a 500,000 volt panther. I shock myself all the time because its funny. Its also funny to chase your friends around with them.... well anyways, theyre intimidate more than they hurt. and stop someone? not from the actual shock.
Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't

The same can be said for handguns: Sometimes a .45 doesn't even slow a b.g. down, sometimes a .22 kills someone dead in their tracks.

I only feel absolutely justified in shooting someone if they're breaking into my home. And I hope that never happens, because the one thing in my life I don't want to ever have to do is go to court for anything. Other than jury duty I don't ever want to see the inside of a courtroom.

has worked for me so longs as i get em along the spine. kinda decentralizes the nervous system for a while. an israeli company made a "stun jacket. it they grabbed it you hit trigger in pocket gave em a thrill make em let go
There is a civilian model of the taser which has slightly less voltage that the law enforcement...It is VERY effective....One trigger pull gives a 5 second ride on the white lightening..You can pull the trigger up to abut 25 times..On top of that you can dry stun a second bad guy while the prongs are in the first...Make the first go for another ride.....If someone is not effected, than the prongs were shot too close, but you can still dry stun...It hurts BADLY...Instant gratifiication when the ride is over..No lingering effects..Despite the rumors there NO documented death for taking the ride itself......:what:
Question for folks who are claiming that contact models are worthless, and yet tasers are effective:

What is the electrical difference between them?

How do you explain the discrepancy?

Basically (M guessing here) but the contact models the probes are close together, where as with the "Taser" the probes are more widely separated and are more COM causing the charge to be distributed though out a larger part of the body.

Now here is the kicker, in MI they are illegal to own/use, but I can carry my HK just fine, so why is less than lethal force to stop a attack bad when Lethal is not?:fire:
The contact models...require you to make contact. That's one big minus, won't do any good if he knocks it out of her hand 1st. A contact model will require more HtoH skill to back it up and apply it. I've never been stunned, but if the incapacitaion goes away as soon as the current stops...and your in close contact with the perp, do the math. Don't know how well the contact models work through a leather jacket, but a Taser will shoot through it I believe.

I'd say Taser or Pepper spray (highest concentration of OC at the highest heat; 5% of 2,000,000 SHU minimum) Both of these (Taser/OC) will work at contact range and give standoff. Nothing is 100%, including firearms which is why you gotta know more than how to pull a trigger or push a button.
Tasers penetrate and grab the skin (IIRC). Flinch and they're still attached.
Stunguns are just surface contact. Flinch and contact is lost.

Been there. You'll flinch.
Those are really fun to mess around with. I have a 100,000 volt one and they will make a BG think twice about messing with me. They go up to i think 600,000 volts, that would knock someone off their feet:evil:
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