Looking for a good stun gun...

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Actually, they had them up to 975,000 on some of the sites I was looking at. My impression was that a million was the legal limit.

But from what I've seen here, it seems like they're not that reliable. My next thread will be about pepper spray it looks like.
Here's a video that dramatically shows the good & bad of a Tazer:
Bull Gets Tazered
Pro: recipient promptly incapacitated when applied
Con: recipient promptly has powerful desire to kick butt when zapping stops.
Buy a Tazer or some OC spray.

Stun guns require you to make physical contact. A big NoNo if you're trying to find your way out of Bad Things.

Hold your T.V. remote control in your hand and try to poke your neighbor with it. Tell him you're conducting an experiment, this is a simulated stun gun and he's the BG. I'll bet you a cup of coffee he takes it away from you at least half the time.

Now go over with a squirt gun. Betcha he gets a wet spot on his T-shirt before he reaches you.
YouTube has a bunch of other videos of people screwing around with stun guns. Most of the time they only work insofar as the recipient experiences serious pain and momentary paralyzation - and a second later they're back up begging for more.

In a real fight, contact with a stun gun only gives the attacker more reason to whup your buns.
How do you explain the discrepancy?

It's the distance the probes are apart. The farther they spread out the more it inmobilzes you. Even on the taser x26 the "dive" stun doesn't work much better than a regular stun gun.

Also taser calls there technqiue pulsed engery it's sorta takes you up and down the pain when you are being hit with it.

The civilian versions only difference is the length of the ride. The taser x26c gives the guy a 10 second ride per press of the trigger instead of a 5 second ride, and you can hit the trigger 2 more times after the first one to give him a continuous 30 second ride.

They offer to replace the taser for free if you use it in self-defense because they invision you shooting him with it, pulling the trigger 3 times and running away.

As far as I know those that's the only difference between the x26c and the x26
+1 for the taser. You want to keep your distance. The only downside is if you have multiple attackers. At Gander Mtn I saw a taser for $200-$300.
Now if they'd just hurry up with those tasers that use a conductive liquid instead of probes and wires... ;)
I can't explain the difference; but I have been the recipient of numerous jolts from "gun show" stun guns. I never took the time to check the voltage, who made it etc.

It originally started out in college. A friend had bought one for his girlfriend but was concerned with whether it was effective. Running around a farm growing up, I had done the ol' zap your buddy with a cattle prod thing and been on the receiving end as well - so after a few beers I decided to let them use me as a test dummy.

First test was just a zap on the leg - a little pain; but not much - mostly caused the thigh to spasm and was otherwise ineffective.

Second time, we tried the arm... some loss of the use of that arm but not much pain and everything else worked fine.

At this point, I felt confident enough to let them try it under the "ideal" circumstances described in the instructions - my arms lifted with the stun gun applied under the armpit to the torso. This particular method was painful; but absolutely ineffective - all muscles worked just fine. I got hit for about 15 seconds before I became irritated with the pain and grabbed it out of his hand.

Finally the brain being operated with tiny electrical signals, I began wondering if that might be a more effective zone. I later zapped myself right on the noggin... this was the most effective of any of the tests. No pain at all; but it was like someone was rapidly flicking the lights off and on and I dropped the stun gun immediately.

In general, I don't consider stun guns of any kind of serious obstacle and have yet to meet one that convinced me otherwise.... now Tasers are a totally different matter.

The older model of Taser was more like the stun gun I mentioned above on steroids. The current production models are really potent. I've seen several guys who I know can take a stun gun hit get stopped cold by a Taser. Of course, they still have the same problem as stun guns - as soon as the charge stops, the only thing stopping the person from resuming their activity is their psychological desire to avoid another zap.
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