Looking for a new carry belt...

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The 5.11 Double Duty TDU Belts are both double thickness and sturdy. I got the 1.5 inch for my uniform pants since their belt loops won't hold the 1.75 inch. The operator belt is more expensive, and I just don't see the advantage if I'm not going to be winched out of somewhere.

I know this thread is going towards nylon belts, but since I got here late I will still give a +1 for Beltman. --Stork
I have both Wilderness and Beltman belts and heartily recommend either or both. Given that you will be carrying varying amounts of gear, you might find you like the Wilderness a little better as it gives you infinite adjustability, while with leather you're limited by the buckle holes. Beltman does have an option for 7 holes 3/4 inch apart; standard is five at one inch.
i love my Wilderness Tactical. American Made, Lifetime Warranty, the fine adjustability is nice because my belts tend to shrink on me lately....so do my shirts...odd.
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