Loss of a Brother

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Jun 24, 2018
SE Wisconsin
A week ago Friday I Lost my older brother and a favorite shooting companion. He was the one that encouraged me to once again get back into the sport and start shooting again. Today I received his remains from the Crematorium and had a hard time driving back home with them.

Brother Thom was not a member of the forum though he would sit and read it with me or we would discuss some of the posts.

Last Saturday we were at his home cleaning up and collecting bills and important papers and looking for a misplaced 25cal Beretta. We have no idea where he might have stashed it. Though we did find a large plastic garbage can stuffed full of pistol carpet cases, a range back pack and 6 different large range bags.

I will surely miss time spent shooting and BS'ing with him. Of 4 brothers he was the only one with an interest in guns.
I am sorry for your loss. My father-in-law got me into hunting and from there into shooting more generally. He died five years ago and I still miss him acutely. It's painful to lose a loved one who shares your interests.
I have a brother who is 14 years younger that has hunted and fished with me for 30 years or so. We may go for months without visiting, but it would be hard to imagine life without him. I am sorry to hear of your loss. He will be with you whenever you are doing things you enjoyed together, and his memory will live on with you.
All our sympathies but regrettably closed. Please PM condolences to the OP, if you want.
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