M&P .40 Compact

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Not that I want to be accused of being a grammer-gunny-nazi, but the M&P and most other firearms today do not use clips. Rather, magazines.

The M1 Garand uses an "En-bloc" clip. Revolvers that shoot automatic cartridges (9mm Luger, .45 ACP, etc.) use "moon" or "half-moon" clips.

Think about it this way: a clip is used to load a magazine while a magazine is used to load a firearm.

As for your question, I've never seen a stripper clip for a pistol magazine. Try keeping the magazines loaded overnight and shooting the gun frequently. The magazine spring will loosen up over time.

Let us know how the gun works.
After-market loaders

I've seen after-market loaders that assist in pressing rounds down into the mag, allowing fresh ones to slip in easier. XDs come with one in their "kit." I've seem them at Academy, Gander Mountain, Sportsman's Guide catalog et.al. Usually @ $20 or so.

Beats beating up the thumbs...

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