mac 10

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Feb 7, 2010
thinking of buying mac 10 wanted to know if anyone had one what kind it is and if they pefer 9mm or 45 acp
Well a true mac 10 is full auto, so I don't know if your looking at a true mac 10.
They are not the best for anything but FUN, FUN, FUN.
Not made for targets, just hitting a man size target at short range.
The one I fired worked great. Triggers SUCK. Finish is nothing to get excited over. sights are good enough. It worked.
I bought a Uzi minny in 45 acp. FUN, FUN ,FUN. It bent the brass over so you could not reload them. That sucked as I reload.
They are not good for much but shooting at the range. heavy and odd. a pistol is a better choice. But if you have the money and need some thing to have fun with buy one.
You can make great videos and post them on you tube.

I have the 9mm version. It was gifted to me. I rarely shoot it.
They are not good for much but shooting at the range. heavy and odd.
And they are not much good for shooting at the range even. They do go bang, I will say that. If your goal is to go to the range and listen to and feel a gun go bang, then it'll work. Otherwise, they are clumsy and inaccurate.
If you want to go old school, a Mac-10 in .45ACP is the king. You won't hit anything unless you put a suppressor on it, though. Then it gets crazy fun; you can write your name with it.

Mac-11 in .380ACP is extremely fun - there is a reason that the Secret Service liked them for many years.

I know that I'm being argumentative - and I apologize for that in advance.
Accurate? I suppose that there are different standards for what "accuracy" means (and the OP isn't buying one for it's accuracy. Go figure.)
For this shooter, if it can't hold the black on a 25 yard B16 slowfire target, it ain't accurate. And none of these guns can (or, more correctly, the one that I have, which is representative, can't). The fact Gov't agencies use them has little to do with their accuracy.
All that being said, a lot of folk like having a gun go bang when they pull the trigger a lot of times and quickly - or once and a lot of shots quickly. They really aren't looking for more. Can't fault that. Have fun.
I had a t-shirt back in the day that had a pic of a mac-10 and it said big mac attack. :]
The Mac 10 what a blast from the past!

Miami Vice season 1

And season 2

One of the best MV episodes was EVAN, Original air date May 3, 1985, season 1, where crocket and tubbs were trying to buy a bunch of Mac 10's to "keep them off the streets".

Tubbs "we want the mac's you want a sale"

Evan "Good little weapon. It slices, it dices!" "easily concealable, easily transportable, and as we shall soon see bigger is not necessarily better"
My shooting buddy has 2 of the masterpiece 9mms, a 45 and a 22.

They are heavy, really heavy but are sure fun to shoot. I have thought about buying them occasionally because they are just fun.

If you want to red-dot one, get the side cockers over the top cocker.
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