Machete Mod

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Member in memoriam
Sep 17, 2007
Eastern KS
I've had this Ontario 18" Machete for years and never really liked it.

Mainly, the worthless saw-back edge chewing up & dragging in the sheath.
But it was also heavier then my old WWII Collins Machete and harder to swing.

So I decided to mod it more to my liking.

It is now 3 oz lighter out on the end, very lively in snap cuts, and also has a weed hook now!


Roughed out:



I like the mods done to your machete. I have had an Ontario machete for years but never used it for pretty much the same reasons that you stated. I much prefer using an older Corneta Model 127 which is a lot handier (and easier), to use especially in tight overgrown areas.


Great idea and great execution! Would have liked to have that mod when I was clearing land around Lake Seminole for the Feds way back in the last century and in my teems. That hook would have been very useful.

I bought a cheap Chinese return at TSC a couple of years back (less than half the already cheap price) and it had a saw back. I cursed and ignored the teeth until they tore up the original nylon sheath and tossed it on a shelf. Had to cut back some oak limbs that were hard as rocks yet long enough to where I wanted to cut to be springy. In frustration I turned the blade over and commenced sawing.......darn thing works pretty well for now. As with most CCC (Cheap Chinese Cr%%) the handle is about to come loose so I have to decide whether to try to salvage it or not.

Nice work! A back hook on a machete is extremely useful for dragging out cut materials without having to stick your hands into a place that might just contain a copperhead or other critter. It also saves bending and stooping -- adds up by the end of a long day.

I did a similar mod to a Cold Steel Heavy Machete. though my hook isn't sharpened. I call it my orc machete.


All my best,
Dirty Bob-

Are Cold Steel machetes pretty good? I've never seen one. I'd get an 18" normal style.


I have a Model 127 Corneta with a 12" blade. The model number comes in several blade lengths. Thought you might want to know, if you didn't. I think it's a copy of an old Collins style. Thanks for the photo.

Collins went out of business about 1965.
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