Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom

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Dec 24, 2002
Utah, inside the Terraformed Zone
Before you read further, I want to say this: I swear, as God Almighty Himself as my witness, and on my Father's grave, I am NOT making this up. I couldn't MAKE UP something more bizarre than this.


I just got back from the American Model United Nations conference
in Chicago. Every year a club from my University goes. While I'm no big
fan of the actual United Nations, Model UN is always very fun, even though
you have to put up with all of the left-leaning keynote speakers and such.
(Last year in Toronto we had a speaker, a former UN bureaucrat of some
fashion, bash the US in his speech for half an hour; there were more
Americans in there than Canadians, and he got boo-ed big time.)

In any case, the booklet they give us has advertisements for functions and
organizations that are always entertaining to read. Last year they had an
ad from some organization hoping to turn the UN into an all-powerful world
government, for example. Why that strikes anyone as a good idea is beyond me, bu tI digress.

But boys and girls, no B.S., one ad this year took the cake.

Apparently, we have a new Jesus. Neo-Jesus. Jesus 2.0. Except he's not
really Jesus, or any religious figure. Or maybe he is? In any case, his name is apparently Maitreya.

Below are some quotes from the ad.

-"Imagine a world free of war, poverty and injustice; where sharing and
cooperation have replaced greed and competition."
-"Extrordinarily wise, incorruptible leadership; working with women and men of goodwill from every corner of the earth."

Oh, it gets better.

-"Today, untold guidance and support is being offered to humanity in a way
that has never before been possible. It comes from a group of fully
enlightened teachers known as the Masters of Wisdom. Largely unknown to the public, they are advanced souls characterized by unconditional love, wisdom, and compassion. In response to humanity's need they have chosen to return to public roles in the world. Soon we will have the chance to see them, hear their advice, understand the world as they do, and benefit accordingly."

-"At the head of this group is Maitreya, the World Teacher for these times.
He comes as a modern man concerned with modern problems. He is not a
religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense, who will inspire us
to create a new civilization; a Golden Age based on freedom and justice for
all. To end the present chaos and misery and enter this Golden Age,
Maitreya's advice to us is simple: 'Share and save the world.'"

Again, I am NOT making this crap up. I have it in black and white right in front of me. Apparently the mouthpiece for this "great teacher" is a British author named Benjamin Creme (compose your own jokes), who has written a number of books or something about this.

The address given for this organization, "Share International", has a post
office box in North Hollywood. I'm SO SURE that that's where the Messiah is going to come from.

In any case, if you don't believe me, go to their website.

Share International

I don't know if this is a scam, or if these people actually believe this
nonsense, or what.

Maybe it's just a load of new aged crap.

I was hoping to find another "let's turn the UN General Assembly into a world parliament!" flyer with which to amuse you good folks, but this is better than I could've hoped for. :D
Note that if this were a religious organization I wouldn't be making light of it. My own personal feelings aside, I find it extremely distasteful to openly mock how another person chooses to approach God.

That said, this group says they're not a religious group (yet on the website they call "Maitreya" "the Christ"). They've obviously got some kind of geopolitical designs going on.

Maybe it's a big joke. Seems like something I'd do, if I had the bucks and was bored.

If not...well, I'm still very distrustful of anyone who calls himself "fully enlightened", "incorruptible", and a "Master of Wisdom". :rolleyes:
I'm a little fuzzy on this one (I've spent more than a reasonable amount of time studying aberrant cults), but this one is a New Age group that's been around for some time. I haven't heard anything of them since the late '80's, but I guess they're still active. The idea though that a relatively mainstream group (even one modeled after the UN) would invite them to attend and/or speak, tells me there's a serious lack of common sense runnning this thing.

I think if you do a Google search on Texe Marrs (a retired Air Force Colonel, kiving in Austin, and a real New Age conspiracy devotee), you'll find that Marrs has written about these folks. Crystals and tin foil hats for everyone! :scrutiny: geegee
Oh, they didn't come speak. They just had a flyer. Our keynote speaker was a UN bureaucrat of some fashion, who was a lot more personable and a lot less boring than the one in Toronto. The President of AMUN whined about people (Like Bill O'Reilly and Pat Buchanan) that have criticized the United Nations, but boo-friggety-hoo.

In Toronto last february, the Keynote Speaker was a Canadian physician from Doctors Without Borders, which, in my opinion, is a good charity organization.

However, he opened his speech by asking us to imagine if we woke up one day, except instead of our normal lives, we had only three minutes to pack up and flee.

Why? Because bad men, men with guns, were coming to our home town, and we had to get out.

Basically, a SHTF scenario. I snickered, leaned over to the girl next to me, and said "Me and my friends would be like, woo-hoo! Target Practice!".

We all got a chuckle out of that guy. Struck me as a decent person, but kind of a weiner.

That's the resolution I offered on the last one I visited:

Title: The International Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons

Submitted by: Turkey
Co-Submitted by: Saudi Arabia, Russian Federation, Siria

The Disarmament Committee,

Recalling its resolution 56/24 V of 24th December 2001,

Realizing the threat to world security caused by the illicit proliferation of small arms and light weapons,

Gravely concerned by the ease at which small arms and light weapons can be acquire through the illicit arms trade,

Bearing in mind the possibility that a civilians or non-government acturs may need SA/LWs in order to prevent prosecution or attacks on a minority group or personal self-defense,

Concerned that absence of familiarity in matters of handling safety may cause lethal accidents where SA/LW’s are left in areas of past battles or abandoned by the combatants or by criminal elements,

Encouraging the creation of educational programs such as the Eddie Eagle Course to reduce such damage,

Further concerned that over-zealous enforcement of local laws governing the distribution of SA/LW’s might cause violations of human rights,

1. Demands that any international large-volume sale of SA/LW’s be accompanied with the completion of detailed and confirmed end-user certificates;

2. Asks for an embargo on all further international sales of SA/LW’s to any and all groups or governments which commit terrorist activities, or give shelter to terrorist groups or repeatedly violate the UN convention on Human Rights;

3. Suggests that the list of such groups and governments should be drawn up by the International Criminal Court;

4. Suggests that civilian weapons (semiautomatic, bolt-action, pump-action, and single-shot handguns and rifles of up to 14.5 bore diameter and shotguns of all calibers) be excluded from the definition of SA/LW’s as their purposes are not military in nature;

5. Demands that civilian weapons be immediately excluded from all international regulations on the legal trade in arms, except as defined in paragraphs 1 and 2;

6. Calls on the national governments to allow their citizens to posess both civilian weapons and and SA/LW’s for any legal purpose;

7. Supports the relaxation of local gun control laws;

8. Encourages the ICC to evaluate local laws governing the distribution of SA/LW’s and the process of their enforcement from a human rights standpoint;

9. Demands that any future post-war disarmament programs are monitored in order to insure that the only people who are forced to disarm are those guilty of criminal acts;

10. Proposes that governments should cooperate with NGO’s so as to provide education on small arms safety in areas affected by warfare and violence;

11. Decides to remain actively seized on the matter.
Yeah, we failed in our mission to get the word "zest" into a resolution, as in "Noting with zest..." or "Zestfully noting...".

We were also told not to use too-strong language. I was thinking, "okay, then! No dropping the F-Bomb in a resolution."
OK Nightcrawler when you translate the cover does it really say "How to serve man" :D
(old Twilight Zone humor, for the young'ns that don't get it)
From the Share International Web site:
Many now expect the return of their awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, Messiah, the fifth Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Few know that the Teacher who fulfills all these expectations already lives among us now.
Is he referring to Bill Clinton, or Ralph Nader? Got to be one of them.
Maitreya, the World Teacher, has not come alone, but with a group of wise Teachers who have long guided humanity from behind the scenes.
Bill and Hillary - got to be... with Daschle, Kennedy, Schumer, Boxer, etc. as their entourage!
They are returning to the everyday world to help us solve our most critical global problems.
Add Al Gore to the list... :rolleyes:
He is here to inspire us to create a new era based on sharing and justice, so that all may have the basic necessities of life: food, shelter, health care, and education.
I notice liberty and the pursuit of happiness (not to mention firearms) are not part of his equation! :fire:

I think I'm going to popularize a "counter-Maitreya". He'll be the reincarnation of John Moses Browning. His "group of wise Teachers" will include Tyler Henry, Oliver Winchester, Sam Colt, Capt. Walker, Joseph Manton, Major Patterson, Teddy Roosevelt, and a host of others. They will "return to the everyday world" to point out how stupid most people have been to have allowed themselves to be disarmed by their weasel politicians. They will "inspire us to create a new era" based on standing up for individual rights, having no tolerance for idiot politicians, and taking strong action to defend ourselves, instead of relying on society and its paid organs to do it on our behalf.

Any takers? :D
Back in high school (20+ years ago :what: ) I was a member of the UN Club (we were Uganda, back then we got to get away with all sorts of $%$# (much like the Democrat candidates now :rolleyes: ) that would be frowned upon now).

Anyway, my favorite memories of the weekend (other than the dark corner of the dance :evil: :rolleyes: , no, thinking back on it it was certainly a :evil: ) was when the very first motion put before the General Assembly was to strip the two extra Soviet territories of their voting rights (Oh, you didn't realize that the CCCP had 3 votes in the UN during the Cold War, you should read up on your history and not believe all that is spoon fed you). Those poor guys suddenly had nothing else to do that weekend but hit on everyone else who was still involved in the process :scrutiny: (thinking back on it I shold have been a rep from Latvia :D )

Fun Cold War memories :) .

So, do these people really amount to anything?
That's the thing about groups like this one, and the people who obsess on them (Tex Marrs, for example). If you're somebody who really tracks their activity, you're convinced they alone are one of the biggest threats to mankind and our national security. I was only half kidding when I said "crystals and tin foil hats for everyone."

As a Christian and an American, I'm never going to dismiss the efforts of a group like this, but frankly I think we have bigger fish to fry. geegee
In Toronto last february, the Keynote Speaker was a Canadian physician from Doctors Without Borders, which, in my opinion, is a good charity organization.

However, he opened his speech by asking us to imagine if we woke up one day, except instead of our normal lives, we had only three minutes to pack up and flee.

Why? Because bad men, men with guns, were coming to our home town, and we had to get out.

"Uh, excuse me, sir, but are the bad men with guns from the UN?" ;) :D
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