Major Update Completed at

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Gary Slider

Apr 6, 2006
West Virginia has just gone through a major update. Iowa is shall issue and honors all other states permit/licenses. No Gun Sign laws & What the state considers a loaded or unloaded firearm information added to every state page. An image of at least one of each states permit/licenses added to every state page. Some states don’t have a standard format for their permit/license. A notes section has been added to every states page for additional info that doesn’t fit in any other section.

Do check out your states page. The No Firearm signage info is not complete for all states. In some states there is really no law about signs and will err on the side of caution when it comes to this type of information. I know I have listed some states as signs having the force of law when they might not. Reading the laws are tough and again I will err on the side of caution when it comes to No Gun Signs. It will take some time and with your help we will get them all ironed out. Check out the image of your states permit/license. I do believe I have one that is being issued now but I can’t keep up with every change.

What to thank all those who helped me with the Images, No Gun Sign and What each state considers a loaded firearm. I couldn’t have gotten all this done in the span of time I had if not for your assistance. Thank You.

I am not trying to drive traffic to our site to make money. We have no ads and do not make any money from the site. What we do is just try to supply the most up to date info so us Good Guys/Gals can stay within the law. That is what Good People do. Feedback is the heart of Without you giving me tips and heads up on changes etc would not be what it is today. No one can watch every state and keep up with every little change. Thanks to all who helped with the image quest and for those who have given me info over the years. It is very much appreciated. Hope your New Year is all you are hoping for.
Thank you for the Kind words. Emails are flowing in which is great. If you wish to reach me Please email me at [email protected] or garyslider XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX AT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Private messages are the hardest way to get hold of me and I can miss them very easily. Plus with email I have a copy of what you are sending me right on my computer.
And another. Thank you for taking the time and effort to keep the site updated, with no expectation of recompense. It's been a big help several times.
I want to thank everyone for their kind words about It really helps to know that people appreciate what you do. It makes it even nicer when you enjoy what those people appreciate. Thank you all again and you will see this same reply on more than one site. I am getting a lot of email and sorting things out. Thought retired this last month has been very busy and January will be very busy with updates that I am being sent and it is very time consuming. Plus the biggie is my boss (Wife) has me stripping wall paper and completely repainting the Living room and hallways up and down. So the keyboard is getting a little sticky from the wallpaper paste. Thank You all again and glad we have been of assistance to you. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any information that you believe needs added or subtracted from is what is because of people like you assisting with gathering information.
Thank you for your good work. In addition to the places my permit is good for how about places it isn't if you have an abundance of time ;)

Might as well add my heartfelt thanks as well! Your site is one of the best resources on the web. Awesome work!
I'll also say thanks Gary. I've used your site several times and referred countless numbers of people to your site for info. It really is an invaluable resource and the gun community owes you a debt of gratitude.
Just a couple of niggles on the PA pdf:

Time Period to Establish Residency: Upon obtaining a Pennsylvania Drivers License/ID.

You can obtain an LTCF without a PA-issued ID or DL. In fact, an LTCF counts as a valid state-issued photo ID.

Also, Your PA pdf says "No Firearms signs have the force of law." To my knowledge, the cited statutory language has never been successfully used to prosecute a person simply for carrying into an establishment which has a "No Firearms" sign; in order to be convicted of trespassing due to carrying a gun, a person has to be asked to leave the establishment, and not comply. This should be mentioned, IMO.
thanks for all your work wth the site. i use it when going out of my home state. i print the laws and have them with me for each state i am going through.
General Geoff, Upon obtaining a Drivers license or state issued Id means you have established Residency in PA. PA does issue permit/licenses to non residents. So residency doesn't matter. But that is what PA considers to be a resident.

As for the Gun Signs. I put the Trespass law there that states that if they have a sign. Other states have such wording and in those states they have to ask you to leave before you are trespassing. Looking at the law from a non lawyer point of view a sign has that authority. That might not be right but I will err on the side of caution when it comes to No Gun Signs. PA is not the only state that has such wording. But I can't put on the PA page that they mean nothing when I don't have something besides someone saying so. Your very opinion is the reason it took me two years to decide to try and put No Gun Sign and if they had the power of law on each states page. There is going to be a lot of questions. It will get ironed out but it will take time. I have emails out to Law enforcement and sheriffs in PA asking this very question. I will bet I get as many different answers as I get responses. It will jsut take some time to get it figured out.
General Geoff, Upon obtaining a Drivers license or state issued Id means you have established Residency in PA.
I have a friend who has just moved into the state from California a few months ago; he is getting his LTCF before he gets his PennDot-issued ID. In fact, when he goes to get a PA driver's license, he can use his LTCF as partial proof of residence.
But that is what PA considers to be a resident.

Residency is established via banking/tax records and other "official" mail delivered to your claimed residence over the past 90 days. See Documentation needed for proof of residency and identity.
Looks likea lot of information, that likely took some effort to obtain, pull together. Efforts and information, the sort of think that could save the good guys a spot or two of trouble and confusion. Effort appreciated.
General Geoff. That Current Weapons Permit is listed because it is a form of ID. I just renewed my WV drivers license. I went to the DMV to apply for the drivers license. I had to present my valid drivers license I was to renew and one of those listed on that list to prove I was a resident. I used my WV permit. That is why the Firearms permit is listed there. you have to have two forms of ID. 9/11 caused all of this. To apply in PA you have to apply to the sheriff of the county you are a resident of. Your Drivers License or State ID and one of those others will do it. I guarantee if you go to a sheriff in PA and you say you are a resident and want to apply for a permit you will have to produce a PA Drivers License or ID. If you don't have one of those they will not issue you a resident permit.

If you look at their list it says SS Card is a form of ID. Look at your SS card. It states right on it that it is not to be used for Identification.
To help you out with your information concerning IL. I'm sure you want to be 100% accurate with your information and you do not want anyone to get into any type of legal trouble simply because they misread your site.
Your site implies that the ILSC ruling in 2009 negated the requirement that firearms need to be cased and that a console carry would legally suffice. That is not completely accurate. The ILSC ruling you refer only applies to "case" and car console as it applies to the Unlawful Use of a Weapon statute. A firearm is still required to be encased under the Uncased Gun statute. Those are 2 separate statutes with 2 different elements. The Uncased Gun statute was not at issue before the court and that statute was in no way impacted by the court ruling. To be completely legal in IL a firearm must be in a case. What the ILSC ruling really means is if a person carries an uncased gun in a car console they cannot be convicted under the UUW statute but the Uncased Gun statute is still in effect. Different statutes, different elements, different penalties.
The IL Attorney General rendered an opinion within weeks of the ILSC ruling which clarified that information.
Gary, a correction: Georgia does allow the carry/possession of loaded firearms in closed (or open) public fishing and hunting areas if you have a Georgia weapons carry license. Thanks.
Wishin, I emailed you but putting something here for others. You can carry in public fishing areas in GA. When Wishin brought this to my attention all I had to do was go to the Georgia Page at and click on the link I had to the law I had listed that you couldn't carry in those places. He was right. The law had been changed and the part about not being able to carry in the law had been removed.

Thanks to Wishin. has so much info there is no way that one person can check all of it. It is people like Wishin and you that are the heart of Just that little blub that Wishin posted caused me to go look again and he was right. I had cut and pasted their law a couple years ago and since then has been changed. I can't keep up with all those changes. Again it is people giving me a heads up on changes that make the Site. Thanks to everyone who gives me that heads up on changes. It is very much appreciated.
I guarantee if you go to a sheriff in PA and you say you are a resident and want to apply for a permit you will have to produce a PA Drivers License or ID. If you don't have one of those they will not issue you a resident permit.

Is that a money-back guarantee? :D

Did you contact Centre County? I haven't talked to the Sheriff in a couple weeks and he was telling me he was going with the new equipment etc. Their new law really doesn't go into effect till 5/1/11 but was told by Centre Co Sheriff that some counties were going to start the first of the year. He never mentioned if he was going to start the 1st or wait till the last minute.

His website is still saying you can mail it in. Would have to contact him to be sure.
no i didnt . maybe when the new law goes into effect Philly will have to follow it , they don't follow the law now. check with the pa attorney general on the new law
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