Makarov slide stop question

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Dirty Bob

Jul 10, 2003
The Great State of Texas
No4Mk1* said:
"Do not use the slide stop as a slide release because the Makarov's slide is made of metal that is a little too soft and soon the slide stop will not even hold the slide open when empty. I learned the hard way."


So is it actually the *slide* that is prone to damage?

How should a shooter prevent this? Slingshot technique to reload?

Thanks very much. This is a smart bunch of people, and I've learned a lot so far. I'm looking forward to buying my first Mak soon!

Dirty Bob
Hello. Slingshot the slide. It's the hold open lever that wears, but can be replaced inexpensively should it be worn too much.

From what I understand, the slide stop is the part that's at fault. It just rounds off after awhile.

The slingshot technique will prevent any damage. If you don't want to use that technique though, you can reshape the slide stop at some point with stones or whatever. You could also just buy a new one; they're inexpensive and easy to replace.
Thank you!

Muchisimas gracias!

One of the things that attracts me to the Maks is their durability and the ease of maintenance/repair. I hope to buy a Bulgie this spring, followed by spare parts from Their "bundled" parts look like a pretty good deal.

Thanks again,
Hello. Simply pull it all the way rearward and then release it. This lets the slide stop drop back down when another loaded magazine's inserted and chamber around. If you don't intend to shoot anymore right then and just want the slide forward, release the magazine and retract a bit and then pull the slide rearward and ease forward when the slide stop drops down.

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