Man with unloaded gun killed by victim

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no way this is too weird, someone I know was actually robbed just a night ago in detroit. I ran into him today and he was robbed at gun. he didn't bother making the police statement because he himself is a questionable character and was in the area I'm assuming for nothing good. could have been the same guy(s). glad that man defended himself, its sad how desperate its getting in our area.
I don' think that the police doubt that it was self defense at all. The police see too much garbage going on in the city and they become numb to responding to lesser things, but when someone dies, every angle has to be examined.

I didn't see the County Prosecutor mentioned anywhere in the story, but it sounds like this didn't even get to her desk and the guy who had to defend himself was not charged at all. It must have been an extremely evident incident.
This can't be right, where's the sob story from the deceased's mother/grandmother/cousin/fellow gangbanger about their son's killer is walking the streets a free man?? Doesn't this newspaper know they are supposed to lampoon the innocent victim and his "evil" gun?

Looks like an open and shut case all around, which is a nice change :D
The kid didn't die "at the scene"...

How do you know that? His friends carted him away. He could have been dead before he hit the ground as far as we know. All the article said was that he was DOA, which means he died some time between being shot and being examined. Exactly when that was is unknown except to his friends, and I didn't see them quoted anywhere.

And I agree with Vonderek: Don't let the .45 guys read this. It will upset their little applecart.
Somehow, I don't see calling the hero of the story a victim. He made sure he was NOT a victim. He might have been the INTENDED victim

It is sort of like articles you read where it is reported that bystanders took action. At the point where a person takes action, they are no longer a bystander, but an actor.
You're dating yourself. You must be thinking back to a time when journalism majors were expected to learn how to write in correct English. Now they study "investigative techniques" and Muck Raking 201.

Then they gave him back his gun.

Somehow, I don't see calling the hero of the story a victim.
Double Naught Spy, I'll take it.

Normally the press labels the deceased bad guy "victim" which makes the good guy the bad guy.

I'll take the "armed victim" label for this guy.
Rosstradamus said:
And I agree with Vonderek: Don't let the .45 guys read this. It will upset their little applecart.
Hey now. I'm a .45 guy,but I know the 9 has closed plenty of accounts. I think I'm in good hands with my Glock 19 handy.

Glad to see the hero/intended-victim got away clean. Seems like the little punk gangters and wanksters start to think they're invincible after a while. Nothing like 124 grains of reality check at 1,100 feet per second.
It takes some serious lack of vision to try carjacking with an unloaded gun.

well who the heck would want to steal a car with a bunch of bullet holes in it?
I'm wondering if his thought process went something like this: "Man! Just another two or three carjackings and I'll finally be able to afford a box o' them eXtreme SHOCK bullets!!"

LOL!!!!! :D

Q2: N/A in this case, as no innocent death occured.

I "Ga-Ron-TEE" that the Bradys will somehow spin it to suit them. Either count it as a "child" KILLED by a gun (and technically of course that's right), or possibly how Zen described it. IE, if there were no guns, this kid (and all the other punks in the country) would have INSTANTLY been transformed into an upstanding citizen and gone to the park to play ball with his former gang rivals...:barf:
Too bad the old man didn't have a pistol when he was confronted earlier this month in that same city by Deonte Bradley. You've heard about that case, yes?

Detroit really looks like a nice place not to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.
Parker's alleged accomplices took him to Sinai-Grace Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Hospital security officers detained the other youths until police arrived. Police spokesman James Tate said a 17-year-old Detroit female, 16-year-old Southfield boy, a 19-year-old Southfield man, and a 20-year-old Detroit man are in custody.

I LOVE a happy ending!
Actually what I think they'll do is use counter-factual thinking and blame the incident on the easy availability of firearms. They'll try to make it sound like the teen would have been at home in his bed asleep, at the movies with friends, or studying diligently at the library if he hadn't able to acquire that evil gun. Thats right, in the Brady's eyes he wouldn't have been committing the crime in the first place if he didn't have the gun. Of course, they will conveniently leave out the part where the other attacker/robber was armed with a baseball bat that he used during the attempted robbery.

Yeah, And mention they didn't have any money to pay him for the ride so they were offering him an unloaded gun in tradefor him giving them a ride.
since this had a happy ending and all .

I wonder if the shooter can sue the family for the cost of the ammo.
The only problem I see with that article is when they refer to the carjackers cohorts as 'youths' instead of 'criminal scumbags who hopefully learned a lesson'.

Chuck got what he deserved.
I was thinking of a better title for this thread. How about:

Criminal dies from work-related hazard.

"One bleeding-heart type asked me in a recent interview if I did not agree that 'violence begets violence.' I told him that it is my earnest endeavor to see that it does. I would like very much to ensure — and in some cases I have — that any man who offers violence to his fellow citizen begets a whole lot more in return than he can enjoy."

-Jeff Cooper, "Cooper vs. Terrorism", Guns & Ammo Annual, 1975
Not mentioned by any other poster is that Michigan passed the "Stand Your Ground" package of bills last year and the shooter is protected by them. He can't be sued so there is no reason for relatives to come out of the woodwork weeping and wailing, no money is possible.
Under these laws it is very difficult for a prosecutor to charge the shooter with anything. Under these laws, the shooter had no duty to retreat when in a place it was legal for him to be. We still have the crappy gun registration scheme going, but it is better to be a gun owner/carrier in Michigan now.
When assisting in a felony...someone dies...being charged with murder

When assisting in a felony and someone dies, does that mean if one of the intended victims or a bystander dies because of it, or does it also include if one of the felons in your group dies? I was just curious how the law is set up. Let's say someone comes up to you and is like, "Hey (your name), a bunch of friends and I are going to rob a bank. Do you want to come with us?" You, "Sure!" Then when you're there, if the person who invited you started shooting the bank workers after stealing the money obviously you'd be sharing the blame. But let's say the tables were instead turned and the bank manager pulls out a machine gun and guns down the guy who invited you to the felon outing. Would you be considered one of the murderers in your leader's death? I was just curious about how it works legally.
ut let's say the tables were instead turned and the bank manager pulls out a machine gun and guns down the guy who invited you to the felon outing. Would you be considered one of the murderers in your leader's death? I was just curious about how it works legally.
In many states, yes. Say I'm the guy who gets shot. Since you were committing a felony and someone (doesn't matter who) died in the process, then you would be charged with 2nd-degree murder in most states.

And yes, Brady will find some way to call the perp a "child." For years, they've been to twisting DOJ statistics which imply that a "child" is anyone under the age of 25. Remember, they don't care about such irrelevant things as "facts" and "statistics." They're concerned with emotional appeals and scare tactics.
Can the Brady Boobs count this 18-year-old's death as another "child's" death by a firearm?

N/A in this case, as no innocent death occured.

And that's why the Brady Bunch talks about "children killed by guns," not "children murdered by guns."

I think a main tactic is to count the numbers only when talking about “children killed” (which includes the deceased in this case), and carefully use NO figures when talking of “innocent” children killed.
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